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发布时间:2018-08-06 20:56
[Abstract]:Background: the main purpose of the treatment of multilevel cervical Spondylotic myelopathy is to relieve the compression of the spinal cord and restore the stability of the cervical spine to the maximum extent. Objective: to analyze the characteristics of anterior cervical discectomy and bone graft fusion with titanium plate fixation and posterior cervical open door spinal canal plasty for multilevel cervical Spondylotic myelopathy. Methods 67 patients with multisegmental cervical Spondylotic myelopathy were divided into two groups according to different treatment methods: anterior cervical disc resection and fusion with titanium plate fixation group and single open door spinal canal formation group via posterior cervical approach. The stability of cervical vertebrae such as cervical movement and cervical curvature index were observed after 12 months follow-up. The axial symptom visual analogue score and JOA score were used to record the time of operation, the amount of blood loss and the incidence of adverse reactions. Results and conclusion both groups lost part of cervical motion after internal fixation. Loss of cervical movement in posterior cervical open door spinal canal formation group was more than that in anterior cervical intervertebral disc resection, bone graft fusion, titanium plate fixation group (P0.05). Cervical curvature index was higher in anterior cervical intervertebral disc resection and bone graft fusion titanium plate fixation group than in internal fixation group. It was closer to the physiological curvature before fixation (P0.05), but there was no significant improvement in the posterior cervical open door spinal canal formation group. 3Axial symptoms in the two groups were significantly relieved than before treatment (P0.05). The axonal symptom relief in the posterior cervical open door laminoplasty group was not as good as that in the anterior cervical intervertebral disc resection and fusion titanium plate fixation group (P0.05). The nerve function of the two groups was significantly improved than that of the pre-treatment group (P0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P0.05) (P0.05); (5) the amount of intraoperative bleeding in the posterior cervical open door spinal canal formation group was significantly higher than that in the anterior cervical intervertebral disc resection and bone graft fusion titanium plate fixation group (P0.05); (6) the anterior cervical intervertebral disc resection and bone graft fusion titanium plate internal fixation group was significantly higher than that in the anterior cervical intervertebral disc resection and bone graft fusion titanium plate fixation group (P0.05); (6). And then there was hoarseness, The incidence of dysphagia was 19. The incidence of wound infection and cerebrospinal fluid leakage C5 nerve root paralysis was 9 in the posterior cervical open door laminoplasty group. (7) the results showed that, Anterior disc resection and fusion with titanium plate were better in restoring the physiological curvature and intervertebral space height of cervical spondylosis and reconstructing the stability of cervical vertebrae than in posterior cervical open door spinal canal formation, but there was a risk of hoarseness and dysphagia. Posterior open-door spinal canal formation is relatively simple, but the amount of bleeding and complications are relatively high. Therefore, according to the clinician's operation skill and the patient's actual situation, the treatment method should be carefully selected.
【作者单位】: 天津市人民医院脊柱一科;


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