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发布时间:2018-08-08 17:55
[Abstract]:Objective: peripheral nerve injury is a common disabling disease in the clinic, which directly damages the labor resources and causes a heavy burden on social and family life. The regeneration of peripheral nerve injury is affected by many factors, and the microenvironment and the local scar at the anastomotic stoma seriously affect the repair effect after the nerve injury. For this reason, The improvement of local microenvironment and reduction of local scar is beneficial to the regeneration of peripheral nerve and the recovery of nerve function. The amniotic membrane has semimodialysis, ensures the smooth transmission of nutrients, promotes the proliferation of Schwann cells, accelerates the growth of the nerve axons, inhibits the biological activity of the peripheral fibroblasts, limits the surrounding tissue to invade the nerve broken ends and inhibits the surrounding tissue. In this experiment, the rat sciatic nerve injury model was constructed. The rat model of sciatic nerve injury was constructed, the nerve kissing was carried out under the microscope, and the fresh amniotic membrane was wrapped in the kissing place. The indexes of the fresh sheep were evaluated through gross observation, light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, neurophysiological test, and the sciatic nerve function index. The effect of membrane on regeneration of peripheral nerve injury. Methods: 60 healthy SD rats, male and female, 220 gram of body weight, 220 gram of body weight were used to prepare the acute injury model of the sciatic nerve in one side of the leg. The group of A (repaired the nerve after the nerve was repaired with the fresh amniotic membrane), and the group B (repair the nerve after the nerve membrane was wrapped with the anastomosis), and the C group (repair) The three groups, 20 rats in each group, were observed in 2,4,8 and 12 weeks after operation, with light microscopy and immunohistochemical staining (the expression of S-100 protein in the nerve tissue); the transmission electron microscopy was performed at the 4,8,12 weeks after the operation, and the axon imaging analysis (counting the number of myelinated nerve fibers, axon diameter and the thickness of myelin sheath) were observed, respectively. Combined muscle action potential detection (measuring and recording latency, amplitude and nerve conduction velocity) and calculating the sciatic nerve function index and its recovery rate. All data were statistically processed. Results: gross observation: three groups of rats were not infected after operation, 7 days after the incision was cut, the incision was healed, and the three groups of rats were 2 weeks after operation. There was a slight swelling of the lower extremities, decreased activity obviously and the limp.2 weeks after the swelling, the mental state and diet gradually resumed. The limping time of the group of A and B rats was shorter than that of the C group, and the amount of activity recovered earlier.A. The number of foot ulcers in the foot and toe of the B group and the C group was less and the recovery time was shorter. The amniotic membrane, the biofilm partially absorbed, and the large part of the biofilm after 2 weeks after the operation. Absorption, 8 weeks completely absorbed group.A, group B nerve and surrounding tissue slightly adhesions and adhesion more loose, activity can be.C group nerve and surrounding tissue widely close adhesion, blunt not easy to separate, poor activity. After 2,4,8,12 week A group, B group nerve recovery is obviously better than the C group. Electron microscope observation: 4 weeks A, B, C three groups of nerve fibers after the operation The regeneration was not obvious, and the lamellar structure was not clear. 8 weeks after the operation, 12 weeks A, the B group had more nerve regeneration than the C group, the thickness of the myelin sheath was thicker, the lamellar structure was clearer and the diameter of the axon was greater. The expression and distribution of S-100 protein in the group of B were better than that of the simultaneous C group. The axonal image analysis: A, B group of distal nerve anastomoses had medullary God. The diameter of the fibers, the thickness of myelin sheath and the number of myelinated nerve fibers in the cross section were better than those in the C group, and the results were statistically significant (P0.05). The neurophysiological tests showed that the latency of evoked potential, amplitude and conduction velocity of the postoperative lateral nerve were detected: A, the latency of the group B was shorter, the amplitude of wave was higher and the nerve conduction velocity was faster, and the results were statistically significant. (P0.05) the sciatic nerve function index: the function index of the sciatic nerve in group A and group B was significantly higher than that of the group C at the same time. There was a significant difference (P0.05). Conclusion: the amniotic membrane as a biological material has a better effect on the repair of peripheral nerve injury. It can reduce the adhesion of the damaged nerve to the surrounding tissue and reduce the nerve anastomosis. Scar formation; can promote nerve fiber regeneration, axon diameter increased, myelin thickening; can reduce the inflammation of nerve incision, immune response.


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