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发布时间:2018-08-11 13:15
[Abstract]:3D printing technology is called material augmentation manufacturing technology or rapid prototyping technology. It is an advanced manufacturing technology which has no limitation on the complexity of the shape of parts and can quickly produce 3D solid models. The combination of medical technology and 3D printing technology provides powerful technical support for customization and precision treatment, especially in orthopedics, where more and more attention has been paid to the application of .3D printing in orthopedics. The application of 3D printing in orthopedics is mainly focused on preoperative diagnosis and planning. Fabrication of auxiliary instruments, preparation of bone implants, bone tissue engineering and so on. In this paper, the application of 3D printing technology in orthopedic treatment is studied, which provides a powerful support for the precision and customization of the treatment. The method of establishing digital orthopedic model was studied. The bone was processed in medical image processing software with CT scan data of patients and the three-dimensional model of affected bone was reconstructed. The orthopedic implant model was digitally modeled by the method of forward and inverse hybrid modeling. The 3D CAD model of orthopedic implants was obtained, and the digital model database was established, which provided a digital model for pre-operation analogue 3D printing. According to 9 cases of hip fracture and ankle malformation, the 3D printing model of 1:1 lesion was prepared by using CT scan data of affected area, and the result was good. Based on the data of humerus head of a patient with head defect of humerus head, the substitute model of the site of the defect was established by using mirror image, and the customized moulds of bone cement were designed and printed. Acrylic cement substitute was prepared and the effect of operation was good. A surgical guide plate was designed for a coracoid bone fracture. According to the rehabilitation requirements of a case of flexor tendon repair of index finger and middle finger, the design and preparation of individualized rehabilitation fixator were studied. Based on the CT scan data of the patient's forearm, combined with the functional position of the hand and the requirements of rehabilitation exercise, the model of the individualized rehabilitation fixator was designed and 3D printed by combining the forward and reverse ways, and the mechanical properties of the model were analyzed. The shape accuracy is analyzed. The results show that the mechanical properties of the brace are better than that of the gypsum bandage, and the shape precision meets the requirements, and it has the characteristics of good air permeability, good fit, beauty and portability. The physical model of tibial transverse fracture was made by 3D printing, and the compression experiment of tibial-one-arm external fixation system was carried out by means of three-dimensional digital speckle strain measurement system. Combined with the numerical simulation method, the stress, stress and strain distribution of the system are analyzed, and a better operation scheme is provided.


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