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发布时间:2018-08-12 09:00
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the relationship between varicose great saphenous vein and homocysteine, and whether homocysteine is an independent risk factor of great saphenous varices. To provide theoretical guidance and technical support for serological prevention of patients with varicose veins with high risk coefficient. Methods: from July 2015 to November 2016, 58 patients with varicose great saphenous vein (41 males and 17 females) who were hospitalized in Cardiothoracic Vascular surgery, affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University, were selected as experimental group. In addition, 60 healthy persons in Qinghai University affiliated Hospital were selected as control group (34 males and 26 females). The selected patients were selected as experimental group (A), to inquire about the history of the selected patients in detail, and to record the general items (age, sex, etc.) of the patients. At 8: 00 am on the 2nd day of hospitalization, the patients were sampled for 4ml fasting blood examination. HCYD-D and blood lipid were detected and recorded. The general item data of the subjects in the control group were recorded by (B), who were selected randomly (strictly according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria) as the control group. Fasting blood samples of 4ml were collected at 8: 00 am to detect four levels of serum HCYD-D-Dand blood lipids. All the test results were recorded in detail. The data were collected and sorted, and all experimental data were tested for normality. The measurement data were expressed as X 卤s, and the single factor analysis between the two independent samples was analyzed by two independent samples t test (the test level was 伪 -0.05) and P 伪 represented the difference was statistically significant. The rate of counting data was compared by X _ 2 test (the test level was 伪 -0.05) and P 伪 was statistically significant. The correlation analysis of several influencing factors of two classification variables is carried out by using binary Logistic regression method. According to the results of statistical analysis, the conclusion of the study is obtained. Results the comparison of general data between group A and group B showed that in age, There was no difference in plasma D-D level between group A and group B in terms of sex (p0.05). There was no difference in plasma D-D level between group A and group B (p0.05). There was no difference between group A and group B in blood lipid levels (p0.05). There was a significant difference between group A and group B in the level of LDL-C. The results of comparison between group A and group B showed that there was a difference in the level of serum Hcy between two groups (p0.05). The results of comparing the HHcy positive rate of two groups showed that the positive rate of HHcy in group A was significantly higher than that in group B (p0.05). Hcy and LDL were correlated with varicose vein of the great saphenous vein. The results showed that the regression model had statistical significance (X2O29.432p0.001), and the overall positive rate of the regression model was positive. The predicted rate was 66.9%. The results showed that the higher levels of Hcy and LDL might increase the risk of varicose varices of the great saphenous vein. Conclusion: 1, varicose great saphenous vein may be correlated with HHcy, varicose varices of great saphenous vein may be correlated with LDL, and varicose vein of great saphenous vein may be correlated with Hcy and LDL. The increase of Hcy and LDL may increase the varicose of great saphenous vein. Zhang's risk of Hcy may be an independent risk factor for varicose varices.


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