[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity of the patients with finger amputation within 72 hours after operation according to the changes of hemorheology indexes in the patients with replantation of the severed fingers at different time after operation. Erythrocyte volume, platelet adhesion rate, fibrinogen and other hemorheology changes. To explore the clinical significance of increasing fluid perfusion in replantation of severed fingers at high altitude. Methods: 60 cases of replantation of severed fingers in high altitude area were randomly divided into two groups (30 cases each). In the control group, the volume of fluid was increased to 3000ml / 3500ml by increasing the volume of fluid on the basis of the traditional operation method. The two groups were treated with anticoagulant, antispasmolysis and anti-inflammation respectively at 72 hours after operation. Blood viscosity, ESR equation K value, hematocrit, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), whole blood high, middle and low shear changes were observed and measured dynamically on the 1st day, 3rd day, 714 d after operation, and the survival rate and complications of the operation were statistically analyzed. Results: on the 1st and 3rd day after operation, there was significant difference in hemorheology between the two groups. In the control group, the total survival rate was 76.677.The complications were 10.13. In the high perfusion group, the survival rate was 92.677.The complication was 8.70. Conclusion: it is important to improve the survival rate of severed finger replantation, reduce complications and increase the time of replantation in high altitude area.
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