[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the main risk factors and clinical management of (Cage) transposition of cage interbody fusion cage in (PLIF) operation, and to avoid the occurrence of Cage transposition during PLIF operation as far as possible. Methods: in this study, 194 patients with lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis I degree and II degree lumbar spondylolisthesis were selected for Cage implantation with interline fusion X-ray, pedicle screw fixation and complete follow-up of lumbar spondylolisthesis. There were 16 cases (10 males and 6 females) with Cage transposition by PLIF. The average age was 56.31 卤7.46 years old. There were 178 cases (59 males, 119 females, mean age 52.52 卤11.97 years). SPSS16.0 statistical software was used to analyze the risk factors of Cage transposition in PLIF operation and its correlation degree, including age, body mass index (BMI),) sex, the depth of Cage insertion to the intervertebral end plate, and the loosening of internal fixation. Unilateral / bilateral internal fixation, loss of height of intervertebral space, number of fusion segments and whether diabetes was associated. The risk factors and clinical management of transposition of Cage in PLIF operation were analyzed and discussed. Results the results of one-factor analysis showed that the depth of insertion of Cage (P0.001), the attachment of age to intervertebral space osteogenic endplate (P0.001), the loosening of internal fixation (P0. 011), the loss of height of intervertebral space (P0. 001), sex (P0. 019) and BMI (P0. 005) may all be associated with the occurrence of transposition of Cage in PLIF. The results of multivariate analysis showed that OR=11.212,P=0.003, OR=5.712,P=0.031 and OR=20.776,P=0.001 might be the risk factors of Cage transposition after PLIF operation. The risk factors of Cage transposition were as follows: (1) low depth (OR=11.212,P=0.003) and OR=5.712,P=0.031 (intervertebral space end plate), and (2) loss of intervertebral space height (OR=20.776,P=0.001) were the risk factors for Cage transposition during PLIF operation. Conclusion: the depth of Cage implantation is not good with the osseous endplate of intervertebral space, and the loss of intervertebral space height may be the risk factor for the transposition of Cage in PLIF operation, and the internal fixation is loosened. The risk of transposition of Cage during PLIF may be higher in men.
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