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发布时间:2018-08-31 20:50
[Abstract]:Objective: to study the curative effect, complications and application value of plasma nucleus pulpoplasty and combined therapy of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of sympathetic cervical spondylosis. Methods: the treatment process of 46 patients with sympathetic cervical spondylopathy according to the diagnostic criteria was analyzed retrospectively. 23 patients in the observation group were treated with plasma myeloplasty and 23 patients in the control group were treated with conservative therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. The Macnab symptom remission rate and subjective satisfaction were observed at 2 weeks and 1 month after treatment, and the improvement results and complications of the main symptom number scores before and after treatment in the observation group were evaluated. Results: all the patients in the observation group were operated without complications such as nerve root, spinal cord and vascular injury. In the observation group, the excellent and good rate was 87%, the effective rate was 95.7%, the satisfaction rate was 91.3%, the excellent and good rate was 73.9%, the effective rate was 91.3%, and the satisfaction rate was 87% at one month after treatment. In the control group, the excellent and good rate was 60.9%, the effective rate was 78.3%, the satisfaction rate was 78.2%; at 1 month, the excellent and good rate was 60.9, the effective rate was 82.6%, and the satisfaction rate was 82.6; the observation group was better than the control group in the effective rate and satisfaction rate, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). After 2 weeks and 1 month of treatment, the (NRS) scores of major symptoms in the observation group were significantly improved compared with those before operation, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: plasma nuclear myeloplasty is effective in the treatment of sympathetic cervical spondylosis. Compared with conservative treatment, plasma nuclear myeloplasty has higher short-term symptom relief rate and subjective satisfaction. It has the advantages of less trauma, faster recovery, shorter hospital stay and fewer complications. In the case of strict grasp of clinical indications, it is worthy of further clinical application.


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