[Abstract]:Pain is a complex physiological and psychological activity caused by noxious stimuli. Normally, it is an important warning signal of the body. When noxious stimuli occur, the body converts various forms of stimuli into electrical signals of nerve impulses through noxious receptors distributed in the skin and related tissues of the body, along the afferent nerves. The dorsal root ganglion (DRG) reaches the neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord or the nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract, and then passes from the contralateral ventrolateral cord to the thalamus, other brain regions, and the cerebral cortex, producing a sense of pain, thus avoiding harmful stimuli. On the other hand, excessive pain can have a negative impact, and long-term severe pain can be difficult to produce. It is always the focus of medical research to alleviate abnormal pain and improve the quality of human life because of the mental and physical torture endured. The pathways and molecular functions that mediate pain are complex. Various theories emerge in endlessly in the study of pain mechanism. The mechanism of pathological pain is expounded. It is believed that some neurons in the spinal dorsal horn gelatinosa (SG) control the transmission of pain information during the whole process of pain transmission. The mechanism of action is similar to the opening of gates. These neurons themselves are thick, thin fiber afferent activities and advanced central downward control. Based on this theory, we realize that the gelatinous substance of the spinal dorsal horn, as the center of pain transmission, plays an important role in information conversion and is also an important target for the development of new analgesic drugs. Epilepsy is caused by abnormal release of neurons in the brain. A group of clinical syndromes, caused by known or unknown causes, characterized by repeated, transient, and rigid dysfunction of the nervous system. With the continuous progress of human medical research, integrated medicine proposed in the new era considers that the integration of the most advanced medical discoveries in related fields can lead to a more comprehensive medicine. Knowledge system. With the deepening of research on the mechanism of epilepsy and pain, following the direction of integrated medicine, we found that the pathogenesis of epilepsy and pain is similar in part. Lufenamide, a new antiepileptic drug, belongs to triazole derivatives. It is currently used as an adjuvant therapy in children and adults over 4 years old. Epilepsy related to human Lennox-Gastant syndrome (LGS). Studies have found that lufenamide has not only a significant role in the treatment of epilepsy, but also a potential analgesic effect. At the same time, it has a unique advantage in stabilizing mood. In recent years, lufenamide has been successfully used in the treatment of epilepsy, but the mechanism of analgesia is still unclear, especially for pain. In order to elucidate the effect of lufenamide on the excitability of spinal dorsal horn SG neurons and the synaptic transmission of noxious stimuli, we investigated the effects of lufenamide on the excitability of spinal dorsal horn SG neurons and the synaptic transmission of noxious stimuli by using animal behavioral testing techniques and patch clamp whole cell recording. Objective: To observe the analgesic effect of lufenamide on lumbar 5 spinal nerve ligation (SNL) induced neuropathic pain in rats. METHODS: Male SD rats of 180-220 g were selected and adapted to the same environment at the same time for three days before the establishment of the SNL model. The basic pain threshold was measured at the first day. The neuropathic pain animal model of lumbar 5 spinal ligation (SNL) was established in rats with normal pain threshold. Neuropathic pain animal models were randomly divided into three groups: (1) High-dose experimental group: 50 mg/kg lufenamide was dissolved in 1% DMSO, normal saline was diluted to 1 ml, single intraperitoneal injection. (2) Low-dose experimental group: 25 mg/kg of lufenamide dissolved in 1% DMSO and diluted to 1 ml of normal saline for a single intraperitoneal injection. (3) Control group: 1% DMSO was injected into the abdominal cavity in the same volume and proportion as the experimental group. Behavioral evaluation was carried out 20 minutes, 40 minutes, 60 minutes, 4 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours after injection, respectively. Results: The mechanical shrinkage reflex thresholds (PWMT) of left and right hind feet were (21.87 [5.69] g and (18.33 [4.18] g respectively, and the latency time (TWL) of hot pain shrinkage reflex was (24.43 [3.32] s] and (22.31 [4.28] s, respectively. There was no significant difference between them. Compared with preoperative neuropathic pain, the threshold of left hind foot was significantly reduced to (6.00 (+ 2.13) g (P 0.001, one-way ANOVA, n = 22) and the latent time of foot reflex was reduced to (13.45 (+ 2.17) s (P 0.001, one-way ANOVA, n = 22), which confirmed the success of the model. Lufenamide at different concentrations could significantly alleviate chronic pain, and the analgesic effect was obviously concentration-dependent, and reached its peak at 1 hour after administration. Compared with the solvent group, Lufenamide significantly increased the threshold of mechanical foot contraction reflex to (19.99 (7.17) g and (17.00 (7.32) g (P 0.001, one-way ANOVA, n=8), and increased the fever. The effect of lufenamide on the excitability of spinal dorsal horn gelatinous (SG) neurons was observed on sagittal sections of the spinal cord using patch clamp whole cell recording technique. Methods: Sagittal sections of lumbosacral enlarged spinal cord with posterior roots were prepared from 4 to 5 weeks old male SD rats. The superficial layer of spinal dorsal horn was determined at low magnification, and the better SG neurons were selected at high magnification for whole cell recording. The clamping current was 0 P A and the cells were waiting for cells. Results: Antiepileptic drug lufenamide could significantly reduce the action potential release frequency of SG neurons in spinal dorsal horn (P 0.01, paired t-test). After a period of elution, the inhibitory effect of lufenamide was reversed (P 0.01, paired t-test). Experiment 3: Selective inhibitory effect of lufenamide on synaptic transmission in nociceptive pathways Objective: Whole cell recording, posterior root stimulation under voltage clamp mode, and observation of excitatory postsynaptic currents (e EPSCs) and spontaneous activity of antiepileptic drug lufenamide on SG neurons in spinal dorsal horn mediated by medium-diameter A delta fibers and small-diameter C fibers METHODS: In the same experiment 2, the spinal cord sections of SD rats were prepared, and SG neurons were selected. The clamping voltage was - 70 m V, and constant voltage stimulation was given to the posterior roots from small to large. Fifteen curves of excitatory postsynaptic currents (e EPSCs) were recorded before administration, and then, on average, were used as controls. The same method was recorded 1 minute later, and the recorded cells were classified according to the electrophysiological specificity of different fiber transduction reported in the literature. (1) To observe the effect of lufenamide on E EPSCs mediated by A Delta fiber. (2) To observe the effect of lufenamide on E EPSCs mediated by C fiber. (3) To observe the effect of lufenamide on spinal cord dorsal part. Results: (1) Single perfusion with different concentrations of lufenamide had little effect on Adelta fiber-mediated EPSCs (P 0.05, paired T-T e s t). (2) Lufenamide significantly inhibited the peak of C-fiber-mediated EPSCs (P 0.01, paired T-T e s t). (3) Lufenamide perfusion could significantly inhibit the development of SG neurons EPSCs. Radiation frequency (P 0.001, paired t-test), but no significant effect on its amplitude (P 0.05, paired t-test). Conclusion: 1. Single intraperitoneal injection of different concentrations of lufenamide can effectively alleviate chronic pain, the analgesic effect reached a peak 1 hour after administration and has a concentration-dependent. 2. Lufenamide can significantly inhibit SG nerves in spinal dorsal horn. The inhibitory effect was eluted within 10 minutes after administration. 3. Different concentrations of lufenamide had little effect on the peak value of e-EPSCs produced by single synaptic SG neurons innervated by Adelta fibers, which was not statistically significant compared with the control group. Continuous perfusion of lufenamide for 1 minute also significantly decreased the frequency of s EPSCs in SG neurons, but did not affect the amplitude of s EPSCs.
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