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发布时间:2018-09-07 17:21
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the effect of massage therapy on the early prevention of deep vein thrombosis in lower extremity after total hip arthroplasty, to explore the mechanism of massage therapy on deep vein thrombosis, and to provide the basis for clinical application. Methods: from October 2015 to December 2016, 60 patients with unilateral total hip replacement due to non-fracture disease were randomly divided into two groups: intervention group (n = 30) and basic treatment group (n = 30). The average age of 39 female patients was (59.43 卤4.64) years old. The following treatment schemes were given respectively: (1) routine treatment was given to the basic treatment group: the operation was performed by the same group of physicians, and a drainage tube was placed during the operation until 24 hours after the operation, no more than 48 hours, and 24 hours after the operation with antibiotics to prevent infection. Routine analgesia, detumescence treatment, oral administration of rivastaban tablet 10 mg / d at 12 hours after operation for 5 weeks to guide patients to perform routine functional exercises; (2) intervention group: routine treatment at the same time, beginning on the first day after operation, The patients were treated with massage manipulation for 20 min / d until 2 weeks after operation. The two groups were observed as follows: 1: 1, venous blood D-dimer 2, postoperative pain score (VAS) 3, lower extremity color Doppler ultrasound examination of thrombus formation 4, changes of venous blood flow in lower extremities 5, thigh circumference measured after operation. The relevant evaluation indexes were observed and recorded before and after operation in both groups. The data were obtained and analyzed by SPSS software. Results: (1) there was no significant difference in general data between the two groups (P0.05), and (2) comparison between the two groups: there was no significant difference in the level of D- dimer between the two groups on the 1st day after operation (P0.05), and there was no significant difference in the level of D- dimer between the two groups on the 1st day after operation (P0.05). The level of D- dimer in the intervention group was significantly lower than that in the basic treatment group (P0.05); there was no significant difference in VAS score on the 1th day after operation (P0.05); the VAS score of the intervention group was lower than that of the basic treatment group (P0.05) on the 4th day after operation (P0.05). On the first day after operation, there was no significant difference in the rate of deep venous thrombosis between the two groups (P0.05). On the 7th day after operation, the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in the intervention group was lower than that in the basic treatment group (P0.05). On the first day after operation, there was no significant difference in the velocity of venous flow between the two groups (P0.05). On the day 714 after operation, the velocity of venous blood flow in the intervention group was higher than that in the basic treatment group (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the thigh circumference between the two groups on the first day after operation (P0.05). The thigh circumference of the intervention group was smaller than that of the basic treatment group on the 4th and 14th day after operation (P0.05). Conclusion: massage therapy can effectively prevent the formation of early deep vein thrombosis after unilateral hip arthroplasty and is helpful to the early regression of lower extremity swelling.


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