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发布时间:2018-09-08 12:05
[Abstract]:Background due to the increasing incidence of drug-resistant tuberculosis, the global TB incidence is rising. China is a high-burden country with TB, the epidemic situation of TB is severe, and the treatment of spinal tuberculosis is facing new challenges. In the developed countries, such as Europe and America, the incidence of tuberculosis is low, the information of research report is less, the experience of learning can be used for reference is not much, and the experience of relapsing and retreating spinal tuberculosis is even less. At present, there are more and more recurrent cases of spinal tuberculosis in China due to various reasons, and spinal tuberculosis brings great pain to patients. Although there is a lot of consensus among domestic clinicians on the principle of antituberculous treatment, surgical treatment and so on, there are many controversies among domestic scholars on the cause of recurrence of spinal tuberculosis and the choice of reoperation treatment. Based on the above background, this paper analyzes the causes of recurrence of spinal tuberculosis and carries out a clinical retrospective study on individualized treatment strategies in order to reduce recurrence in individualized treatment of spinal tuberculosis. To achieve a better prognosis and avoid the pain of secondary or multiple operations. Objective: to analyze the main causes of recurrence of spinal tuberculosis and discuss the choice of individual treatment scheme for reoperation in order to improve the cure rate of spinal tuberculosis. Methods: from January 2000 to December 2012, 861 patients with spinal tuberculosis underwent orthopedic surgery in our hospital. By searching the hospital medical record management system and comparing the patient information with PACS system and CIS system, 71 patients with recurrent spinal tuberculosis were selected by telephone, mail, network, outpatient service and so on. The patients were divided into recurrence group (42 males and 29 females), the age of the first operation was 5-72 years old (mean 34.3 years), the course of recurrence was 0.5 months to 516 months after operation, and the duration of recurrence was 0.5 months to 516 months. According to the principle of gender matching, 71 cases were assigned to no recurrence group at 1:1. By means of chi-square test and Logistic regression analysis, the correlation of multiple risk factors leading to recurrence of spinal tuberculosis after operation was analyzed. 71 patients with recurrent spinal tuberculosis were treated with individualized surgical methods: focal debridement, sinus excision (4 cases), sinus excision (4 cases). There were 16 cases of simple focal debridement, 11 cases of primary anterior debridement and fusion fixation, 24 cases of primary and posterior debridement and internal fixation of bone graft, 4 cases of primary anterior and posterior combined approach, 4 cases of bone graft fusion and internal fixation. Local chemotherapy was performed in 5 cases with CT guided puncture and drainage by combined approach of debridement, bone grafting, fusion and internal fixation. Three dimensional reconstruction of MRI with C reactive protein X ray and CT was performed regularly after operation, and then treated with antituberculous drugs for 12 ~ 18 months. Results: there were no serious complications such as spinal cord nerve injury and major vascular injury. The follow-up time was 24 months to 108 months (mean 29 months). According to the Bridwell standard, 62 patients with intervertebral bone graft and internal fixation met the grade I bone fusion standard. 5 cases had bone bridge formation, and 4 cases had not been cured at the last follow-up. The results of multivariate analysis showed that the main causes of recurrence and reoperation were the increasing incidence of drug-resistant spinal tuberculosis and nonstandard antituberculous drug therapy. Conclusion: the causes of postoperative recurrence of spinal tuberculosis are closely related to drug resistance and nonstandard antituberculous therapy. On the basis of standardized antituberculous therapy, according to the patient's condition, vertebral body involvement and individualized choice of surgical scheme, recurrence of spinal tuberculosis can be effectively avoided.


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