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发布时间:2018-09-15 19:49
【摘要】:目的:探讨多模式超前镇痛在人工关节置换术后疼痛治疗中的疗效方法:选取2014年06月至2014年10月于山东省中医院关节骨科行关节置换术18~80岁患者共70人,按入院日期先后顺序将患者依次编号,根据编号次序分为两个组,次序是奇数号的患者归为实验组,次序是偶数号的患者为对照组。经过筛选,实验组剩余33人,对照组剩余32人,实验组术前12h给予400mg口服,术后前三天给予塞来昔布200mg Bid,同时应用自控镇痛泵至药物用完,而对照组术前不给予镇痛药物,对照组术后只采用自控镇痛泵至药物用完,不再应用其他镇痛药物。观察两组患者基本情况,并进行VAS评分,以及患者是否有药物不良反应发生,统计资料,进行比较。结果:术后前三天两组的VAS评分,实验组明显低于对照组,实验组与对照组在术后第1天、第2天、第3天VAS评分有显著性的差异(P0.05);实验组总体不良反应发生率略低于对照组,然而两组在不良反应方面不具有显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:在人工关节置换术中,多模式超前镇痛具有很好的镇痛效果,可以有效的减轻手术患者围手术期的疼痛,而镇痛药物所带来的不良反应,也有减少的趋势,提高了患者对镇痛及手术的满意度,有利于患者的术后功能恢复,然而在超前镇痛的时机,以及镇痛药物的剂量方面,需要进一步的探讨。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the efficacy of multimode preemptive analgesia in the treatment of postoperative pain after arthroplasty: 70 patients aged 1880 years were selected from June 2014 to October 2014 in the Department of Orthopaedics of Shandong traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. The patients were divided into two groups according to the serial number. The patients with odd number were classified as the experimental group and the patients with even number were the control group. After screening, 33 patients in the experimental group and 32 patients in the control group were given 400mg orally at 12 hours before operation, and celecoxib 200mg Bid, was given to the patients at the same time until the drug was used up three days before the operation, while the control group was not given the analgesic drugs before operation. In the control group, only the patient controlled analgesia pump was used up and no other analgesic was used. To observe the basic situation of the two groups, and to evaluate the VAS score, and whether there were adverse drug reactions, statistical data were compared. Results: the VAS scores of the two groups in the first three days after operation were significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group. There was a significant difference in the VAS score between the experimental group and the control group on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day after operation (P0.05), and the overall adverse reaction rate in the experimental group was slightly lower than that in the control group. However, there was no significant difference in adverse reactions between the two groups (P0.05). Conclusion: Multi-mode preemptive analgesia has a good analgesic effect during artificial joint replacement, which can effectively alleviate the perioperative pain of patients, and the adverse reactions caused by analgesic drugs are also decreasing. It can improve the patients' satisfaction with analgesia and surgery, which is beneficial to the recovery of postoperative function. However, the timing of preemptive analgesia and the dosage of analgesic drugs need to be further explored.


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1 于翠平;安建雄;;超前镇痛临床研究进展[J];实用医院临床杂志;2008年01期

2 沈锦春;杨建军;;超前镇痛的研究进展[J];药学与临床研究;2010年03期

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