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发布时间:2018-09-16 20:57
[Abstract]:Objective To explore the best method of repairing the defect of nasal subunit (alar, tip, columella, root and back) by retrospective analysis of the patients with nasal subunit defect. 270 cases of nasal defects caused by nasal lesions and traumatic scars were treated in our hospital. Different surgical methods were selected according to the site and size of the nasal defects. The repair methods were retrospectively analyzed. Some cases were followed up for 3 months to 3 years, and the results and satisfaction were analyzed. From February 2005 to February 2015, 270 patients with nasal defect were treated in the outpatient and inpatient department of the Plastic Surgery Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University. 50 patients (19%) had more nasal defect than 1/2 of them (including nasal tip-alar defect, nasal tip-alar-nasal-dorsal defect). 40 patients had nasal defect repaired with forehead expanded flap, 6 patients had forearm expanded flap, and 2 patients had nasal defect. Among 128 cases (47%) with nasal alar defect, 85 cases (33 cases) with auricular composite tissue flap, 33 cases (33 cases) with nasolabial groove flap, and 7 cases (7 cases) with frontal expanded skin flap. Among them, 2 auricle composite tissue flaps were necrotic, 1 nasolabial groove flaps caused cornual pull, 10 (4%) nasal tip defects, 6 forehead expanded flaps, 4 bilobed flaps, 1 dilator exposure and 1 nasal tip bloated. Among 8 (3%) cases of nasal columellar defects, 2 nasal base subcutaneous pedicle flaps were used. 2 cases were treated with bilateral nasolabial groove flap, 4 cases with V-Y push flap, 1 case with nasolabial groove flap secondary nostril deformity, 1 case with nasal floor subcutaneous pedicle flap after operation. 74 cases (27%) of nasal root and nasal dorsum defects, 42 cases with cheek flap (8 cases of push flap, 14 cases of nasolabial groove flap, 20 cases of rhomboid flap), 24 cases with forehead rhomboid flap, 8. Among them, 1 case had cornual distraction, 2 cases had bilateral eyebrow asymmetry, 1 case had dilator exposure and 3 cases had bloated skin flap. No obvious scar contracture was found in all patients, except that the frontal skin flap was transferred to repair nasal defect immediately. The scars in donor and recipient areas were all small. The patients were satisfied with the repairing effect, especially the expanded flap and local adjacent flap with fewer complications and low re-contracture rate. The color, texture and thickness of auricle composite tissue flap after free transplantation for repairing nasal alar defect were matched, and the patients were satisfied with the overall appearance. There are many surgical methods, but all kinds of surgical methods have corresponding indications, advantages and disadvantages. When the total nose or greater than 50% (including nasal tip and alar combined defects, nasal tip and alar combined defects) may consider the use of forehead expanded flap for defect repair. The nasal alar defect was repaired by free auricle composite tissue flap. The nasal alar defect with intact nasal lining was repaired by expanded forehead flap. The nasolabial groove flap was used for repairing the nasal alar defect; the adjacent flaps were preferred for small and medium area nasal root, nasal dorsum and nasal lateral wall defects, and the expanded forehead flap was used for large area defect. Bilateral nasal base subcutaneous pedicle flap; nasal tip defect preferred expanded forehead flap, skin relaxation and elderly patients choose bilobed flap.


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