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发布时间:2018-09-18 10:46
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the significance of thrombolytic therapy for lower extremity deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Methods 34 cases of DVT patients were treated with urokinase and heparin sodium respectively by inserting catheter into the femoral strands of the affected limb after implantation of the filter, and inserting thrombolytic catheter into the vein sheath tube through the vein sheath tube in 34 cases, and by injecting urokinase and heparin sodium into the femoral sheath tube, thrombolytic catheter pump and the thrombolytic therapy with urokinase and heparin sodium respectively. Results all cases were successfully catheterized and there were no obvious puncture complications. After thrombolytic therapy, the symptoms of the affected limbs were markedly improved or completely disappeared, the thrombolysis of the external iliac vein and distal femoral vein was satisfactory, and 24 cases were found to be accompanied by common iliac vein stenosis or occlusion, all of them underwent balloon angioplasty, among which 21 cases were stents implanted. Conclusion the thrombolytic effect of iliac vein can be further improved by shortening the thrombolytic time and improving the thrombolytic efficiency.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学第二医院血管外科;兰州大学第二医院体检中心;


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