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发布时间:2018-10-04 23:04
【摘要】:目的虽然人体测量学中面部软组织测量方法的研究已有不少,但针对面部衰老及面部年轻化手术疗效定量化评估测量方法的研究却鲜有报道。随着年岁增长,人面部的某些软组织结构会发生特征性变化,而某些结构却相对恒定。因此,可设定相对恒定的结构作为人体测量的参照标准,用于测量面部软组织的变化情况。研究虹膜直径尺测量方法在面部软组织测量中的应用,评估微创可调式面部悬吊提升术的临床疗效。方法收集30例大连医科大学附属一院整形外科施行微创可调式面部悬吊提升术患者的病例资料,利用Adobe Photoshop软件对入选病例的照片资料进行处理。以"虹膜直径尺"为测量标尺。以两侧上、下睑缘在鼻侧的交汇点的水平连线作为测量基线,若两点不在同一水平线则取两点中间位置的水平线作为测量基线。测量入选病例手术前后的3项面部软组织结构指标,分别是:容貌外眦高度、半颜面中线上的下颌缘最低点到内眦水平线的距离、颏下点到内眦水平线距离的水平中线上的面部宽度。获得数据输入excel表格进行记录和换算,采用配对t检验对数据结果进行统计学处理,分析手术前后面部软组织的变化情况,评价微创可调式面部悬吊提升术的临床疗效。结果容貌外眦高度:术前(3.67 ±1.31)单位,术后(4.84 ±1.26)单位,术后1年内(4.39±0.33)单位,术后2年内(4.18±0.22)单位。半颜面中线上的下颌缘最低点到内眦水平线的距离:术前(188.46±7.47)单位,术后(182.75±3.38)单位,术后1年内(184.77±2.63)单位,术后2年内(187.19±3.26)单位。颏下点到内眦水平线的距离之间的水平中线上的面部宽度:术前是(202.71±7.48)单位,术后(187.66±3.58)单位,术后1年内是(192.36±3.39)单位,术后2年内是(195.62±3.75)单位。术前、术后差异具有统计学意义。结论通过观察30例微创可调式面部悬吊提升术治疗后的患者面部软组织变化情况,可认为该术对面部松垂患者的中下面部提升及轮廓年轻化有良好的效果。
[Abstract]:Objective although there have been many studies on the measurement of facial soft tissue in anthropometry, there are few reports on the quantitative evaluation of the effect of facial aging and facial rejuvenation. As the age increases, some soft tissue structures of the human face undergo characteristic changes, while some structures are relatively constant. Therefore, a relatively constant structure can be set as a reference standard for anthropometric measurement of soft tissue changes in the face. To study the application of iris diameter ruler in the measurement of facial soft tissue, and to evaluate the clinical effect of minimally invasive and adjustable facial suspension lifting. Methods the data of 30 patients undergoing minimally invasive and adjustable facial suspension lifting in plastic surgery of the first affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University were collected and the photo data of the selected cases were processed by Adobe Photoshop software. Take the "iris diameter ruler" as the measuring scale. The horizontal line of the upper and lower eyelid border at the confluence of the nasal side is taken as the measurement baseline, and the horizontal line at the middle of the two points is taken as the measurement baseline if the two points are not at the same horizontal line. The three indexes of soft tissue structure before and after operation were measured: the height of the outer canthus and the distance from the lowest point of the mandibular margin to the horizontal line of the inner canthus in the midline of the half face. The width of the face on the horizontal midline between the submental point and the medial canthus. The data were recorded and converted by excel table. The data were statistically processed by paired t test. The changes of facial soft tissue before and after operation were analyzed and the clinical effect of minimally invasive and adjustable facial suspension lifting was evaluated. Results the height of the outer canthus was (3.67 卤1.31) units before operation, (4.84 卤1.26) units after operation, (4.39 卤0.33) units within 1 year after operation and (4.18 卤0.22) units within 2 years after operation. The distance from the lowest point of the mandibular margin to the medial canthus was (188.46 卤7.47) units before operation, (182.75 卤3.38) units after operation, (184.77 卤2.63) units within 1 year after operation and (187.19 卤3.26) units within 2 years after operation. The facial width of the median line between the submental point and the medial canthus was (202.71 卤7.48) units before operation, (187.66 卤3.58) units after operation, (192.36 卤3.39) units within 1 year after operation and (195.62 卤3.75) units within 2 years after operation. Preoperative and postoperative differences were statistically significant. Conclusion by observing the changes of facial soft tissue in 30 patients treated with minimally invasive and adjustable facial suspension lifting, it can be concluded that the operation has a good effect on facial lifting and rejuvenation of facial prolapse.


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