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发布时间:2018-10-20 15:47
【摘要】:目的研究慢性非特异性腰痛(CNLBP)患者与健康人腰椎位置觉的差异,探讨腰肌耐力、疼痛与腰椎位置觉的相关性。方法 2014年1月至2015年5月,选取CNLBP患者和健康人各30例,采用Biodex System 3系统检测脊柱前屈、背屈位置觉误差(AE),同步测试腰肌耐力;CNLBP患者采用疼痛数字分级量表(NRS)自我评估腰部疼痛,计算AE与腰肌耐力、NRS的Pearson相关系数。结果 CNLBP患者前屈、背屈位AE均大于健康人(t1.862,P0.05),腰肌耐力低于健康人(t=2.307,P0.05)。CNLBP患者腰肌耐力与脊柱前屈位AE负相关(r=-0.71),与背屈位AE中度负相关(r=-0.47);NRS与脊柱前屈位AE高度正相关(r=0.78),与背屈位AE中度正相关(r=0.49)。健康人前屈、背屈位AE与腰肌耐力低度负相关(r=-0.38、r=-0.29)。结论 CNLBP患者的脊柱本体感觉下降,其脊柱本体感觉差异大小与腰痛程度、腰肌耐力有关。
[Abstract]:Objective to study the difference of lumbar position perception in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain (CNLBP) and healthy subjects, and to explore the relationship between lumbar position perception and pain. Methods from January 2014 to May 2015, 30 patients with CNLBP and 30 healthy persons were selected, and spinal flexion was detected by Biodex System 3 system. (AE), was used to measure the tolerance of psoas muscle, and (NRS) was used to evaluate the lumbar pain in CNLBP patients, and the Pearson correlation coefficient of AE and Psoas endurance, NRS was calculated. Results the patients with CNLBP suffered from anterior flexion. AE in dorsiflexion position was significantly higher than that in healthy persons (t1.862), and psoas muscle endurance was lower than that in healthy subjects (tr 2.307% P 0.05). There was a negative correlation between psoas muscle endurance and AE in spinal anterior flexion (r-0.71), moderate negative correlation with AE in dorsiflexion position (r-0.47); NRS) and high positive correlation with AE in spinal flexion position (r 0.78), and moderate positive correlation with AE in dorsiflexion position (r = 0.49). There was a negative correlation between AE in anterior flexion and dorsal flexion and low tolerance of psoas muscle in healthy persons (r = -0.38, r = -0.29). Conclusion the proprioceptive sensation of spinal column in CNLBP patients is decreased, and the difference of proprioceptive sensation is related to the degree of low back pain and the endurance of psoas muscle.
【作者单位】: 第二军医大学附属长海医院中医系;
【基金】:上海市中医药三年行动计划项目(No.ZY3-CCCX-3-7002) 空军后勤部重点项目(No.BKJ14J007)


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