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发布时间:2018-11-03 07:08
[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the effect of super-early standardized physical therapy on average hospitalization days of total knee arthroplasty patients. Methods: 85 patients were selected and divided into two groups: experimental group (n = 50) and control group (n = 35). The average single total hospitalization days and postoperative hospitalization days were compared between the two groups. The range of active knee joint activity and the time of standing up and walking time test were compared between the two groups before operation, from the first day to the third day after operation and on the day of discharge. The relationship between the average hospitalization days after operation and the range of joint active activity and the time of standing-walking timing test. Results: there was no significant difference between the two groups in age, preoperative hospitalization days and the time of "standing-walk test" before treatment (P0.05). Compared with the control group, the average total hospitalization days of the trial group (9.92 卤2.57) days and the average postoperative hospitalization days (5.04 卤1.17) days were significantly lower than those of the control group (P0.01). In the experimental group, the active motion of knee joint improved significantly from the first day to the third day after operation and on the day of discharge, and the time of "stand-up walking test" was shortened, the difference was significant (P0.05). The average hospitalization days were positively correlated with the time of standing up and walking time test on the day of discharge from hospital, and negatively correlated with the motion of the knee joint active joint on the day of discharge (P0.05). Conclusion: Ultra-early standardized rehabilitation can improve the active motion of knee joint after operation, shorten the average hospitalization time and average total hospitalization time.
【作者单位】: 安徽省立医院康复医学科;安徽省立医院骨科;


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