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发布时间:2018-11-10 11:42
【摘要】:正关于颞浅动脉(superficial temporal artery,STA)-大脑中动脉(MCA)吻合术,存在诸多波折与争议,其不仅影响着这项手术能否开展,而且决定着手术开展后能使哪些患者获益。目前STA-MCA吻合术仍是治疗缺血性脑血管病的经典术式,具有操作方便,无需进行桥血管移植,长度较短,不容易发生血流淤滞,无需新造其他切口等优势。血管吻合作为显微外科的核心技术,决定着显微手术的成败。笔者将STAMCA吻合术操作理念与显微血管吻合技术相结合,就如何进行STA-MCA吻合的技术要点归纳如下。
[Abstract]:There are many twists and turns and controversies about the superficial temporal artery (superficial temporal artery,STA) -middle cerebral artery (MCA) anastomosis, which not only affect whether the operation can be carried out, but also determine which patients will benefit after the operation. At present, STA-MCA anastomosis is still the classic operation for ischemic cerebrovascular disease. It has the advantages of convenient operation, no need for graft transplantation, short length, not easy to cause blood stasis and no need for new incision. Vascular anastomosis, as the core technique of microsurgery, determines the success or failure of microsurgery. In this paper, the author combines the idea of STAMCA anastomosis with the technique of microvascular anastomosis, and summarizes the key points of STA-MCA anastomosis.
【作者单位】: 威海市中心医院神经外科;天津市环湖医院神经外科;


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