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发布时间:2018-11-17 20:20
[Abstract]:[objective] the difficulty of treatment of tibia and fibula fracture lies in that it can not only guarantee the stability of the broken end of the fracture, but also protect the residual blood circulation which has been damaged, especially in the condition of hypoxia at high altitude, the external fixator is used to treat the fracture. On the basis of not destroying the original blood supply as much as possible, the patients can recover the bone structure as soon as possible after injury, reduce the complications, fix the callus firmly at the early stage, and achieve elastic fixation when the callus is formed. [methods] according to the basic principle of Ilizarov pin fixation, 31 cases of comminuted fracture of middle and lower tibia were treated with half channel external fixator, 22 males and 9 females. According to AO classification, 16 cases of type B and 15 cases of type C. [results] 24 cases were followed up, the average follow-up time was 20 months (6 ~ 30 months). According to Johner-Wrubs evaluation, 17 cases were excellent, 5 cases were good, and 2 cases were middle. The recovery of limb function was satisfactory. [conclusion] the treatment of severe tibia and fibula fracture with external fixator in high altitude hypoxia area can achieve the purpose of early reduction, fixation and functional exercise. It can effectively improve blood supply of tissues, prevent infection and reduce complications such as nonunion. Improving the success rate of treatment is a good fixation method for severe tibia and fibula fracture at high altitude.
【作者单位】: 格尔木市人民医院骨科;同济大学附属东方医院;


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