呼吸系统 在 外科学 分类中 的翻译结果
在分类学科中查询 所有学科 外科学 预防医学与卫生学 呼吸系统疾病 儿科学 医药卫生方针政策与法律法规研究 生物学 药学 环境科学与资源利用 军事医学与卫生 历史查询
Postoperative Management of Respiratory System of Patients with Ventricular Septal Defect Complicated with Pulmonary Hypertension
Age, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, blood system, endocrine system, central nervous system, liver function, renal function, nutritional condition and operational wound, anesthesia condition, 15 indexes were investigated.
调查年龄、心血管系统、呼吸系统、血液系统、内分泌系统、中枢神经系统、肝功、肾功、营养状态以及手术创伤、麻醉情况共15项指标,以Logistic回归分析探讨手术后并发症和死亡相关因素,参考APACHE Ⅱ和POSSUM评分系统各个指标,建立普通外科手术风险度评分系统。
Abstract Among 1500 operations of Brachial plexus, comphcations occurred in 38 cases, including common complication(infection, hemorrhage) in 10 cases, injuries of nerves in 16cases, complication in respiratory system in 6 cases, lymphmehage in 2 cases and ossificmyositis in 2 cases.
Among 5l cases of congenital malformations of respiratory system (MRS)of neonates, web of larynxglottic 1 case,cleft larynx 2 cases, congenital laryngeal stridor 5 cases, multiple cysts of lung l case,single cysts of lung l case ,agenesis of lung 9 cases,hypoplasia of lung l5 cases.
Conclusion Postoperative PCA can provide a better analgesic effect and improve the function of respiratory system.
结论 术后PCA镇痛方式可以改善呼吸系统功能状态,同时术前术后监测肺功能可以为老年腹部手术患者安全渡过围手术期提供观察指标。
Congenital malformation of respiralory system of 51 neonates
The effects of LC on respireation system parameters of patients with different ages under defferent CO_2 insufflation pressure during perioperative period
Post-SARS osteonecrosis and anticardiolipin antibodies
VO2AT/BW< 10ml/min/kg has the predictive value on PPCs.
97 (46.9%) cases were associated with other diseases, 50.5% of which were cardiovascular in nature.
respiratory system
The mitochondrial respiratory system is preserved for a relatively long time (24 h).
The role of the thoracic and abdominal components of the respiratory system during hyperventilation combined with chemoreceptor
Changes in the thoracic and abdominal components of the respiratory system were studied in ten males in the standing position during voluntary hyperventilation during normocapnia, hypercapnia, and hypocapnia.
Does the respiratory system limit the aerobic working capacity of humans
A scheme is given that illustrates the ambiguous role of the respiratory system in this aspect.
This report is to represent our experience of 49 cases in the management about the surgical treatment for the thoraeo-pulmonary foreign bodies due to firearm-injury. There were 42 cases of the foreign bodies located in the lung (85.7%). The clinical manifestation of the recurrent hemoptysis or coughing pyohemosputum was high up to 79.6%. There were 12 cases (24.5%) complicated with lung abscess, atelectasis and bronchiectasis. Except the cases with the least symptom of the respiratory system and the rather small...
This report is to represent our experience of 49 cases in the management about the surgical treatment for the thoraeo-pulmonary foreign bodies due to firearm-injury. There were 42 cases of the foreign bodies located in the lung (85.7%). The clinical manifestation of the recurrent hemoptysis or coughing pyohemosputum was high up to 79.6%. There were 12 cases (24.5%) complicated with lung abscess, atelectasis and bronchiectasis. Except the cases with the least symptom of the respiratory system and the rather small size of the foreign body, thoracotomy should be performed to remove the foreign body which location was definite. In principle, the normal lung tissues should be reserved as maximally as possible. Thoracoplasty of repairment of the pleurobronchial fistula was performed only in the case complicated with pyothorax or pleurobronchial fistula. Toxinantitetanus should be applied additionally after operation.
Epidural injection of morphine 2mg in 10ml. was given to 33 patients as a method of analgesia in treatment of postoperative pain and malignant pain of some advanced cancer patients. Clinical application has proved that it is a simple and reliable effective analgesic method. Except for mild dysuria, we haven't found any untoward side-effect. Close post-injection observation has demonstrated that it has no harmful effect on circulatory and respiratory systems and patients may be permitted to walk immodiately after...
Epidural injection of morphine 2mg in 10ml. was given to 33 patients as a method of analgesia in treatment of postoperative pain and malignant pain of some advanced cancer patients. Clinical application has proved that it is a simple and reliable effective analgesic method. Except for mild dysuria, we haven't found any untoward side-effect. Close post-injection observation has demonstrated that it has no harmful effect on circulatory and respiratory systems and patients may be permitted to walk immodiately after injection.
The total compliance of 25 pediatric patients with Tetralogy of Fallot was determined under general anesthesia and the following data were obtained. In 5 non-cyanotic cases, the mean value was 18.77±7.39ml/H_2O which was markedly decreased as compared with the predicted value. In 10 cyanotic cases, it was 25.14±10.92ml/H_2O, no difference with predicted value. In 8 cases who had undergone palliative operation previously, it was 29.88±9.62ml/H_2O, again markedly decreased.The data obtained from non-cyanotic cases...
The total compliance of 25 pediatric patients with Tetralogy of Fallot was determined under general anesthesia and the following data were obtained. In 5 non-cyanotic cases, the mean value was 18.77±7.39ml/H_2O which was markedly decreased as compared with the predicted value. In 10 cyanotic cases, it was 25.14±10.92ml/H_2O, no difference with predicted value. In 8 cases who had undergone palliative operation previously, it was 29.88±9.62ml/H_2O, again markedly decreased.The data obtained from non-cyanotic cases and patients who had been operated were the same as those in patients with large ventricular septal defect. The causes of the decrease of compliance are mainly due to the pathologic changes of pulmonary vessles as a result of the increase of pulmonary blood flow and pulmonary hypentension. In cyanotic patients, the compliance is within normal range. The compliance is decreased in all cases immediatly after radical operation. It may be the combined results of anesthesia, operation, hypothermia extracorporeal circulation and so on.Besides reflecting the elasticity of the lung, the total compliance can also reflect the pulmonary hemodynanmics. It is helpful to the evaluation of the general condition of congenital heart diseases.
本文利用压力型呼吸机,在全麻无呼吸条件下测定23名法乐氏四联症小儿呼吸系统总顺应性5例非紫绀型四联症小儿总顺应性为18.77±7.39毫升/厘米水柱,与予计值比较显著下降(P<0.01)。10例紫绀型四联症小儿结果为25.14±10.92ml/厘米H_2O,与予计值比较无显著差别(P>0.9)。8例曾施姑息手术的四联症小儿总顺应性为29.85±9.62 ml/厘米H_2O,显著地低于予计值(P<0.01). 非紫绀型和曾施姑息手术的四联症小儿总顺应性测定结果与左向右分流的大型室缺小儿类似。使其顺应性下降的原因主要为肺血流量增加和肺动脉压力增高共同导致的肺血管病理改变。紫绀型四联症小儿由于肺血流减少而在正常范围内。呼吸系统顺应性除反映肺组织弹性外,也能反映肺血液助力学状态,它有助于先天性心脏病病情估计。
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