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发布时间:2018-12-19 07:31
[Abstract]:Objective to observe the clinical effect of Radix Sophora flavescens decoction on prevention and treatment of perianal edema after operation of mixed hemorrhoids by abatement of anus fumigation and sitting bath. Methods 130 patients with mixed hemorrhoids were randomly divided into two groups: group A (n = 65) and group A (n = 65). For a total of 7 days; The patients in group B were given warm water anus fumigation and sitting bath on the second day after operation. The incidence of edema in group A and B was observed and compared one week later. 60 patients with anorectal edema after operation of mixed hemorrhoids were randomly divided into two groups: group C (n = 30) and group C (n = 30). The patients in the control group D were treated with povidone iodine solution and water once a day for 7 days. The scores of perianal edema were observed and compared between the two groups after 3 days of treatment and 7 days after treatment, and C after 7 days of treatment, the patients in group D were treated with povidone iodine solution for 7 days, and the scores of edema in the anal margin of patients in group C were compared after 7 days of treatment. The total effective rate in group D and the score of edema in group C were evaluated after 3 days of treatment. Results 1. The incidence of edema in group A was significantly higher than that in group A (P 0.05). The incidence of edema in group A was only 6.6. The incidence of edema in group B was 19.0% lower than that in group B: (2) the score of perianal edema in group C and D after 3 days of treatment had no significant difference (P 0.05). After 5 days of treatment, the scores of perianal edema in group C were lower than those in group D (P 0.05) and those in group C (group C) were lower than those in group D (group D): after 7 days of treatment, the scores of edema in group C were lower than those in group C (group D), and the scores of edema in group C were lower than those in group C (group D) after 7 days of treatment. P0.01, the edema score of Kushen decoction group (group C) was significantly lower than that of povidone iodine solution group (group D). 2The total effective rate of Con D group was higher than that of povidone iodine solution group (D group), P0.05, Kushen decoction group (C group) 96.6, higher than that of povidone iodine solution group (D group). 3The scores of edema in group C (group C) were significantly lower than those in group C after 3 days of treatment (P 0.01), indicating that edema score decreased significantly with the prolongation of treatment time within 1 week after hemorrhoids operation. During the whole safety trial, no adverse reactions occurred in all four groups of patients. Conclusion by reducing anus fumigation and sitting bath, Kushen decoction can effectively prevent anal edema after hemorrhoids operation, and can effectively treat anal edema after hemorrhoids operation, and the score of edema within 1 week after hemorrhoids has a tendency to decrease obviously with the prolongation of treatment time. It is safe and effective, simple and practical, worthy of clinical application.


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