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发布时间:2019-01-21 07:33
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the cases of foot prolapse after tibial osteotomy with Ilizarov external fixator and Orthofix external fixator. Methods: from July 2012 to May 2014, the clinical data of 148 patients undergoing tibial osteotomy and lengthening with Ilizarov external fixator and Orthofix external fixator in microsurgical repair surgery of the first affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang University were retrospectively analyzed. Postoperative functional exercise, postoperative foot droop time and other relevant information. Results: the follow-up time was 1 ~ 1.3 years (mean 1. 15 years). The defect of tibia was repaired in all the patients. 37 of 148 patients had complications of foot drooping. 26 of them were treated with Ilizarov external fixator for lengthening proximal tibia osteotomy and lengthening. 11 cases were treated with Orthofix external fixator for proximal tibial osteotomy and lengthening. Conclusion: the incidence of foot droop in patients with Ilizarov external fixation was significantly higher than that with Orthofix external fixation. At the same time, the author thinks that the key to reduce the complications of foot drooping after lengthening of tibial osteotomy is to master the operative skills strictly, to design carefully before operation, to operate carefully during the operation and to follow up closely and timely after operation.


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