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发布时间:2019-02-16 14:22
[Abstract]:[objective] to observe the morphological features of the petrosal vein and its influence on the exposure of the surgical field during microvascular decompression of trigeminal neuralgia, and to explore the effect of microvascular decompression of trigeminal neuralgia on the treatment of the petrosal vein and its branches and prognosis. [methods] the clinical data of 62 patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia treated by microvascular decompression in the first affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University from September 2013 to September 2015 were analyzed retrospectively, including the clinical features of the patients. Relationship between petrosal vein and its branches and operative approach, electrocoagulation and postoperative complications. To analyze the influence of different management schemes of petrosal vein on the incidence of postoperative adverse reactions in patients during microvascular decompression, and summarize the management methods of the vein during microvascular decompression. [results] among 62 patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia, petrosal vein was found in 16 cases (25.8%), electrocoagulation in 7 cases (11.3%), branch obstruction in 29 cases (46.8%). There were 14 cases (22.3%) with electrocoagulation, 7 cases (11.3%) with petrosal vein and their branches as responsible vessels, 3 cases (3.3%) with electric coagulation, and 10 cases (16.1%) with no obstruction of petrosal vein. Among the 24 cases, 5 cases were hearing loss, 2 cases were facial numbness, 1 case was cerebellar hemorrhagic infarction, 38 cases were not transected from petrosal vein, 3 cases were hearing loss, and 2 cases were facial numbness. [conclusion] the petrosal vein is an important drainage vein in the posterior cranial fossa, which is closely related to the trigeminal nerve. Therefore, in the treatment of primary trigeminal neuralgia by microvascular decompression, the petrosal vein is often used as the barricade vein in the obstruction operation. Affects the operation of surgical field exposure and obstruction surgery. Therefore, the management of the petrosal vein is an important part of the operation, and it is also an important link to reduce the serious postoperative complications.


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