[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the effect and mechanism of local low dose X-ray irradiation (Low-Dose Irradiation,LDI) on angiogenesis of ischemic skin flap in rats. Methods: from December 2014 to June 2015, 100 two-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into experimental group (A group) and control group (50 rats in each group). A 9 cm 脳 3 cm ischemic random flap was designed in the middle of the back of each rat. The pedicle was located near the end of the flap. Then the disinfected biofilm was placed under the flap and the flap was sutured in situ. Group A received single local irradiation of low dose X-ray immediately, and the total dose of 0. 2 Gy;B group was not irradiated after operation. The survival rate of the two groups was observed and the survival rate of the flap was calculated at 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 7 days and 14 days, respectively. The angiogenesis of the specimens was observed under a positive microscope and a confocal laser microscope, and the microvascular neovascularization was calculated by measuring the content of CD105 in the neovascularization. Results: the survival rate of flap in group A was (65.94 卤3.92)%, (45.01 卤4.02)%, (31.87 卤4.19)% respectively, which was higher than that in group B (42.83 卤4.88)%. (28.08 卤2.89)%, (15.11 卤4.94)%. The fluorescence staining of the flaps in the experimental group and the control group was observed on the 1st day, 3rd day and 714 days after operation. The results showed that the activation of endothelial cells and the formation of neovascularization in the experimental group were significantly increased than those in the control group. In the experimental group, the neovascularization lumen was arranged regularly, the number of vascular layers was more, and the lumen was intact and regular. In the control group, the endothelial cells were less activated, the lumen arrangement of neovascularization was slightly worse, the number of early vascular layers was less, and the tissue edema was obvious. The NMVD values of the flaps in the experimental group were (28.27 卤2.96), (21.41 卤2.41), (15.24 卤1.81), (20.38 卤2.55) and (30.28 卤3.66) (strip / mm2), respectively. All of them were significantly higher than those of the control group (14.94 卤2.01), (9.13 卤1.03) (6.92 卤1.07) (10.07 卤1.81) and (18.21 卤2.11) (strip / mm2). Conclusion: low dose X-ray irradiation can improve the survival rate of ischemic flap. The mechanism may be that low dose X-ray irradiation can promote the activation of endothelial cells, increase the expression of VEGF, and increase the survival rate of ischemic flap by promoting angiogenesis in the flap.
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