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发布时间:2019-03-10 20:50
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the influencing factors of consciousness recovery in patients with consciousness disorder after brain injury. Methods the clinical data of 114 patients with consciousness disorder after brain injury were retrospectively analyzed. The factors that might affect the recovery of consciousness were analyzed by binary Logistic regression method and the regression model was established. The ROC curve was drawn to determine the optimal critical value of the prognosis model. Results univariate analysis showed that the duration of vegetative state (P0.001), coma recovery scale (CRS-R) on admission (P0.001), hydrocephalus (P0. 037), muscular tension (P0. 034), central fever (P0. 035) were observed. Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperexcitation (P0. 0004) was associated with recovery of consciousness. Logistic regression analysis showed central fever (OR=3.493,P=0.044) and vegetative state duration (OR=1.016,P=0.008). Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperexcitation (OR=4.223,P=0.034) and CRS-R score (OR=0.640,P=0.002) on admission were independent factors influencing the recovery of consciousness. The 蠂 ~ 2 value of the Hosmer-Lemeshow test of the model is 10.214 (P = 0.250) and the area under the prediction probability ROC curve is 0.91, which indicates that the model has a good fit degree. Conclusion the occurrence of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperexcitation is the primary factor affecting the recovery of consciousness in patients with consciousness disorder. The occurrence of central fever, the poor CRS-R score on admission, and the long duration of vegetative state were the secondary factors affecting the recovery of consciousness.
【作者单位】: 广州中医药大学;广州总医院神经康复一科;


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