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发布时间:2019-03-22 20:23
【摘要】:背景:关节软骨位置特殊,其功能常会受到运动的影响,通过关节运动能促进缺损部位修复,但是该结论尚未得到进一步证实。目的:探讨跑台运动时不同运动强度对大鼠膝关节软骨全层缺损修复效果。方法:将40只大鼠用直径3.2 mm的骨科手术电钻在股骨面制作一个直径3.2 mm的全层软骨缺损模型,然后随机分为模型组、低强度运动组、中强度运动组和高强度运动组,各10只。模型组仅在笼内自由活动,低强度运动组在平面进行运动,平台速度8.2 m/min;中强度运动组跑台坡度设置成5°,速度控制在15.5 m/min;高强度运动组设置跑台高度10°,速度控制在26.7 m/min。结果与结论:(1)跑台运动8周后,低、中、高强度运动强度组大鼠血清基质金属蛋白酶3、基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂浓度均低于模型组(P0.05),且中强度运动组大鼠血清基质金属蛋白酶3、基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂浓度低于低、高强度运动强度组(P0.05);(2)中强度运动组关节软骨全层缺损区可见纤维组织,且与相邻正常关节软骨连接,厚度基本,修复效果明显优于其他3组。(3)提示中等强度跑台运动能促进大鼠膝关节软骨全层缺损修复,提高关节功能。
[Abstract]:Background: articular cartilage has a special position and its function is often affected by motion. It can promote the repair of defects through joint movement, but this conclusion has not yet been further confirmed. Objective: to investigate the effect of treadmill exercise intensity on repairing full-thickness defects of knee cartilage in rats. Methods: 40 rats were randomly divided into three groups: model group, low intensity exercise group, middle intensity exercise group and high intensity exercise group, and 40 rats were randomly divided into three groups: model group, low intensity exercise group, middle intensity exercise group and high intensity exercise group, and 40 rats were randomly divided into three groups: model group, low intensity exercise group, middle intensity exercise group and high intensity exercise group. Ten each. The model group only moves freely in cage, the low intensity exercise group moves in plane, the platform speed is 8.2mmin, the slope of running platform is set to 5 掳in the moderate intensity exercise group, and the speed is controlled at 15.5 mmin. The high intensity exercise group set a treadmill height of 10 掳and a speed control of 26.7 m / min. Results and conclusion: (1) after 8 weeks of treadmill exercise, the serum MMP-3 and MMP-I concentrations in the low, middle and high intensity exercise groups were lower than those in the model group (P0.05). In the middle intensity exercise group, the serum matrix metalloproteinase 3 and matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor concentrations were lower than those in the low intensity exercise group and the high intensity exercise intensity group (P0.05). (2) in the middle intensity exercise group, fibrous tissue was found in the whole defect area of articular cartilage, and it was connected with adjacent normal articular cartilage, and the thickness was basic. (3) moderate intensity treadmill exercise can promote the repair of full-thickness defects of the knee joint cartilage and improve the function of the knee joint.
【作者单位】: 河北软件职业技术学院;河北医科大学第二附属医院;


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