[Abstract]:Aim: to investigate the effect of allogeneic ADSCs cell membrane as seed cell for repairing cartilage defect and to induce growth and differentiation into hyaline cartilage tissue under the action of rabbit knee joint cavity microenvironment. Safety and efficacy of injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (Human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells,hADSCs) combined with sodium hyaluronate and platelet-rich plasma (platelet rich plasma,PRP) in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (Osteoarthritis,OA). Methods: experiment 1: (1) adipose tissue of New Zealand white rabbits was isolated and cultured. ADSCs membrane was prepared. (2) New Zealand white rabbit knee joint femoral condylar cartilage injury model was transplanted with ADSCs membrane. (3) ADSC repair rabbit cartilage injury large body radiography and histological evaluation. Experiment 2: (1) Human abdominal adipose tissue was isolated from human abdominal adipose tissue, human ADSCs, was isolated and cultured in vitro to obtain a sufficient amount of ADSCS, and its surface markers were detected by flow cytometry. The differentiation ability of chondrocytes was analyzed. (2) 30 patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis of knee joint were selected from the outpatient department of orthopedics center of first people's Hospital of Xianyang City. Human ADSCs combined with sodium hyaluronate was injected into articular cavity and platelet-rich plasma (PRP), was injected into the joint. To evaluate whether the patients before and after intervention had adverse reactions, knee motion score and pain visual analogue score (VAS), as well as the changes of knee joint surface image under magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results: ADSCs membrane transplantation in rabbit knee joint femoral condylar cartilage injury of the large body is transparent, hard touch, toluene blue staining showed hyaline cartilage tissue formation. The hADSCs positive expression CD105,CD29, negative expression CD45,CD34, in human abdominal adipose tissue had good osteogenic, lipogenic and chondrogenic ability in vitro. No adverse reaction was found in the patients after clinical intervention, the knee pain was relieved, and the motion of the joint was increased. MRI showed that the patchy shadow of the articular surface decreased significantly, the low signal area decreased significantly, and the T _ 2 value decreased significantly compared with the pre-treatment patchy shadow of the joint surface before the treatment. There was no obvious hydrops in the joint cavity, and the thickness of the articular surface increased. Conclusion: ADSCs can be induced to differentiate into hyaline cartilage tissue in rabbit articular environment. ADSCs can be used as seed cells for repair of cartilage defect or repair of osteoarthritis. Intra-articular injection of hADSCs combined with sodium hyaluronate and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of osteoarthritis can effectively improve the knee joint activity, reduce pain, and improve the quality of life. The thickness of articular surface was increased by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the repair images of the original cartilage were displayed. The standard technique of joint puncture injection is safe and reliable, and its clinical applicability is strong. This method is safe and effective and can delay joint degeneration and improve the quality of life of patients.
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