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发布时间:2019-04-03 09:30
[Abstract]:Aim: to analyze the effect of Qi-dredging and Fu-like herbs on the recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery by literature and retrospective study in order to provide a certain reference for the clinical treatment of gastrointestinal function recovery after abdominal surgery. Methods of research: 1. Through searching the four databases of Vip, China knowledge Network, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database and Pudmed, the clinical randomized controlled trials on the recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal operation were collected from 2004 to 2014 by oral Xingqi Tongfu traditional Chinese medicine. The quality of the methodology included in the study was assessed and Meta analysis was performed. Clinical study retrospectively investigated 300 cases of abdominal operation in gynaecology and surgery department of Guangdong traditional Chinese medicine hospital. The use of traditional Chinese medicine after abdominal surgery was recorded and summarized. Research findings: 1. Through literature retrieval, 864 articles were obtained. According to the exclusion criteria, 19 randomized controlled literatures were finally included. Meta analysis was used to evaluate the common prescription of Xingqi Tongfu traditional Chinese medicine: Dachengqi decoction (Dachengqi decoction). Effect of Xiaochengqi decoction and Simo decoction on recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery. Compared with the conventional treatment of simple western medicine after abdominal surgery, Dachengqi decoction, Xiaochengqi decoction and Simo decoction can promote the recovery time of intestinal sound, anal exhaust time and defecation time after operation, P0.05.2. Retrospective clinical study (1) of 300 cases, 121 (47.6%) of the 300 cases were diagnosed as apoplexy for the first time after operation, accounting for 47.6% of all cases with definite TCM syndrome differentiation. (2) of the 300 cases, the use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the treatment of Qi-dredging and Fu-organs was carried out for the first time. A total of 57 cases used Simo decoction or oral liquid, 37 cases used small Chengqi decoction, and 7 cases used Dachengqi decoction enema. (3) in 300 cases, the frequency of using traditional Chinese medicine after operation was from high to low: Fructus Aurantii, Magnolia officinalis, Fructus Aurantii, Black medicine, aloes, wood incense. Research conclusions: 1. The results of systematic review of literature study showed that Dachengqi decoction, Xiaochengqi decoction and Simo decoction could promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function in patients after abdominal surgery, but the quality of literature methodology included was generally low, and there was a possibility of episodic bias. In order to evaluate objectively the curative effect and safety of traditional Chinese medicine for the recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery, high-quality clinical studies should be conducted in the future. 2. Retrospective clinical study (1) the main syndrome differentiation of the patients after abdominal operation is due to qi deficiency and qi stagnation. It is the basic principle to restore gastrointestinal function after operation. (2) the frequency of using traditional Chinese medicine after operation from high to low is as follows: Fructus Aurantii, Magnolia officinalis, Fructus Aurantii, Polygonum officinalis, Armillaria vulgaris and Muxiang.


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