[Abstract]:[objective] to evaluate the effect of one-stage posterior correction for patients with scoliosis with asymptomatic thrombus. [methods] from 2009 to 2014, 17 patients with scoliosis with asymptomatic tethered cord were collected in the Department of Spinal surgery of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. They were 5 males and 12 females, aged 9 to 17 years (mean 14.8 years). The coronal Cobb angle, SRS-22 score and m-JOA score of the spine were measured by comparing the sagittal X-ray before, after and during the follow-up. [results] the mean coronal Cobb angle was (58.4 卤12.6) 掳before operation and (23.8 卤6.40) 掳after operation, and the lateral curvature was obviously corrected (P0.01). The mean Cobb angle at the last follow-up was (22.4 卤6.8) 掳, and there was no significant loss of correction (P0.05). The preoperative SRS-22 score was (69.82 卤4.86), including functional activity score (18.65 卤2.34), pain score (20.94 卤1.74) and self-image score (14.47 卤2.18). Mental health score (15.76 卤2.05); One year after operation, the total score of SRS-22 was (86.53 卤4.14), including functional activity score (20.71 卤1.73), pain score (21.88 卤1.36) and self-image score (18.06 卤2.28). Mental health score (18.94 卤1.98). The surgical satisfaction score was (7.94 卤1.34). Compared with pre-operation, the scores of all aspects of the patients were improved (P0.05), and the scores of self-image and mental condition of the patients were significantly higher than those of the patients before operation (P0.05). The total score of modified Japanese Orthopaedics Association (m JOA-score) before operation was (23.65 卤1.77), which included subjective symptom score (7.00 卤0.87), clinical symptom score (5.41 卤0.62), clinical symptom score (5.41 卤0.62) and subjective symptom score (7.00 卤0.87). Daily activity score (11.59 卤0.94) and bladder function score (- 0.35 卤0.99). The score of postoperative patients was improved to (26.35 卤1.53), including subjective symptom score (8.65 卤0.49), clinical symptom score (5.76 卤0.44), daily activity score (12.47 卤0.94), clinical symptom score (8.65 卤0.49) and daily activity score (12.47 卤0.94). The bladder function score (- 0.53 卤1.17), except for the bladder function (P < 0. 668) had no significant improvement, all the other items were improved (P0.01). [conclusion] one-stage posterior correction of scoliosis with asymptomatic tethered cord is a safe and effective surgical method.
【作者单位】: 中南大学湘雅医院脊柱外科湘雅医院脊柱外科中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:81472145) 湖南省“芙蓉学者”项目
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