[Abstract]:Background: pedicle screw fixation is one of the main methods for the treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral fracture, but there is a certain failure rate in the clinical treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral fracture. In order to avoid the occurrence of bad complications after pedicle screw fixation alone, vertebra enhanced pedicle screw fixation technique has been gradually applied to clinical practice. Objective: to compare the long-term effect of enhanced pedicle screw fixation and pedicle screw fixation in the treatment of senile thoracolumbar vertebral fracture. Methods: from January 2013 to December 2015, 20 patients (simple group) with thoracolumbar fracture and 20 patients with thoracolumbar fracture treated by pedicle screw fixation were retrospectively analyzed. (strengthening group) clinical data. In the simple group, 17 cases were male and 3 cases were female, with an average age of (69.1 卤5.5.5years), while in the enhancement group, 16 cases were male and 4 cases were female, with an average age of (68.2 卤7.1years). The clinical effects of two groups of patients after treatment were compared and analyzed. Results: the anterior height of injured vertebral body and the Cobb angle of injured vertebral segment were improved in the two groups after operation, the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). The anterior edge height and Cobb angle of the injured vertebral body were improved significantly in the enhancement group on the day of operation, 3 months after operation and the last follow-up, and the difference was statistically significant (P0.05). There was no significant difference in visual analogue score and Oswestry dysfunction score between the two groups before operation (P0.05). The visual analogue scores and Oswestry dysfunction scores were significantly improved in the two groups after operation (P0.05), especially in the enhancement group. There was no significant difference in the distribution of Frankel spinal cord injury grade between the two groups before operation. At the last follow-up after operation, the proportion of the patients with Frankel grade E in the intensive group was significantly higher than that in the simple group, and there was no significant difference in the distribution of Frankel grade E between the two groups before operation (P0.05). The difference was statistically significant (P0.05). Conclusion: vertebral pedicle screw fixation is beneficial to maintain the height of anterior edge of vertebral body and Cobb angle of injured vertebral body after operation, and to restore the function of injured spinal cord. The long-term clinical effect should be affirmed.
【作者单位】: 山东省菏泽市第三人民医院骨外科;
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