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发布时间:2019-04-22 17:51
[Abstract]:Objective to analyze retrospectively the clinical data of 290 patients with chronic renal disease who underwent parathyroid resection from July 2009 to February 2016 in the Center of Nephropathy of the first affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, and to analyze and evaluate the curative effect of the operation and the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus after operation. The safety of surgery, etc. Methods the general situation (including name, sex, age at the time of operation, renal replacement therapy and its mode and time, primary disease of kidney), clinical symptoms and signs before operation were collected in our center. Evaluation of calcium, phosphorus, PTH, vascular bone tissue and soft tissue. The methods of operation, the number of parathyroid glands removed, the improvement of symptoms after operation, the changes of calcium, phosphorus and PTH after operation, the successful rate of operation, the incidence of hypocalcemia and the rate of hypoparathyroidism were counted. Persistent hyperparathyroidism rate, recurrence rate, etc. Results 290 patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism were included in the study, including 155 males (53.45%) and 135 females (46.55%). The average age was 46.89 卤11.31 years (15 / 77). Ten patients underwent subtotal thyroidectomy. 74 patients underwent thyroidectomy due to thyroid tumors or thyroid nodules. Serum parathyroid hormone decreased significantly in 284 patients 1 week after operation (50% of pre-operative serum parathyroid hormone). The success rate of the operation was 97.93%. Bone pain and pruritus were improved in 250 (86.21%) patients after operation. There were significant differences in serum calcium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormones before operation compared with one week after operation (p0.001), but there was no significant difference in alkaline phosphatase before operation and one week after operation (p = 0.128). 271 (93.45%) patients had hypocalcemia after operation, and there was no significant difference in serum calcium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormones at one week after operation (p0.001). 14 (4.18%) patients had obvious numbness / convulsions, 2 (0.69%) patients were re-hospitalized because of hypocalcemia, 34 (11.50%) patients had obvious hoarseness / choking cough. 4 (1.38%) patients were re-treated with debridement and hemostasis because of bleeding in the operation area, and 1 (0.34%) patients were re-hospitalized because of hypothyroidism. There were no perioperative death cases. 5 cases were renal transplantation patients and 3 cases were not dialyzed. There was no significant difference in blood creatinine levels between pre-and post-operation in 8 cases (P0.05). Follow-up data were found in 8 cases of subtotal resection group and 224 cases of total resection group. There was a significant difference in the incidence of hypocalcemia between the subtotal resection group and the total cut 卤implant group (p0.0001). There were 4 (50.00%) cases of persistent hyperparathyroidism and 3 (37.50%) cases of recurrence in subtotal resection group and 36 (16.07%) cases of persistent hyperparathyroidism and 51 (22.77%) cases of persistent hyperparathyroidism in total resection group. The total persistent hyperparathyroidism rate and recurrence rate were 17.24% and 23.28% respectively. There was a significant difference in the incidence of persistent hyperparathyroidism between the two groups (P = 0.032), while there was no significant difference in recurrence rate between the two groups (P = 0.393). Conclusion Parathyroidectomy can effectively treat secondary hyperparathyroidism and improve calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorder in patients with end-stage renal disease. The rate of postoperative persistent hyperparathyroidism was higher and the incidence of persistent hypoparathyroidism was lower. Hypocalcemia is the most common complication after operation and should be closely monitored and followed up. Parathyroid resection had little effect on renal function in patients with renal transplantation and in patients with CKD without replacement therapy.


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