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发布时间:2019-04-25 10:51
[Abstract]:Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are abundant cells in peripheral adipose tissue and have important functions. Some studies have shown that mesenchymal adipose stem cells can differentiate into endothelial cells, and the vascularization of adipose transplantation is beneficial to the early survival of fat. Aim: to investigate the effect of periostin combined with autologous fat particles on the vascularization and survival rate of graft fat, and to clarify the role of periostin in autologous fat transplantation. Methods: adipose stem cells were isolated and cultured from adipose tissue obtained from liposuction, and their multidirectional differentiation potential was identified. Secondly, the effects of periostin on adipose stem cells induced angiogenesis were verified in vitro, especially in hypoxia. Finally, the vascularization and survival rate of transplanted adipose tissue were observed by transplantation of periostin and autologous adipose tissue into nude mice. Results: the microvessel density of Periostin combined with autologous fat transplantation was significantly higher than that of the control group, and the fat survival rate was higher than that of the control group. The survival rate of transplanted fat was improved to a certain extent. Both of these two factors combined with autologous fat transplantation can promote the survival of transplanted adipose tissue. Conclusion: Periostin can improve the tolerance of early adipose transplantation tissues to hypoxia, promote the early vascularization of autologous fat granules, and be beneficial to the survival of fat granules, and can effectively improve the survival rate of fat transplantation.


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