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发布时间:2019-05-23 23:32
[Abstract]:Objective: to compare and analyze the clinical characteristics between patients with granulomatous lobular mastitis infected with Corynebacterium and those with non-Corynebacterium infection, and to explore the difference between them, so as to improve the understanding of the clinical characteristics of these patients. Methods: the patients with granulomatous lobular mastitis (GLM) diagnosed pathologically in our hospital from January 2015 to September 2016 were divided into two groups. Group A: patients with granulomatous lobular mastitis without Corynebacterium infection; Group B: patients with granulomatous lobular mastitis infected with Corynebacterium. The case data of the two groups of patients were established database, and the statistical methods such as X2 test, rank sum test, Fisher exact probability method and so on were used. To investigate the difference of clinical characteristics between GLM patients infected with Corynebacterium and non-Corynebacterium infection and the related factors that may affect the results of bacterial culture, and draw a conclusion. Result: 1. In general, the average time between the onset and the last delivery of GLM patients with Corynebacterium infection was 4.09 卤2.5 years. Compared with non-Corynebacterium infection (3.98 卤4.82 years), the onset time of Corynebacterium infection was longer than that of non-Corynebacterium infection (3.98 卤4.82 years). The difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). The average age of onset, the constituent ratio of onset age, the number of births, the duration of lactation, the time between the onset and the last lactation, the history of mastitis, the history of breast trauma on the affected side and the history of oral contraceptives during lactation. There was no significant difference in the history of depression (P 0.05). 2. The average mass size of GLM patients with Corynebacterium infection was 7.24 卤2.89 cm, which was significantly larger than that of non-Corynebacterium infection patients (6.42 卤2.82 cm),) (P 0.05). Patients with GLM infected with Corynebacterium can have short nipple or depression and nipple discharge, unilateral or bilateral breasts can occur, skin flushing and swelling, the initial mass is concentrated in the peripheral quadrant, pain and mass coexist. Fever and erythema of extremities could occur in the course of onset, and the above manifestations were similar to those of non-Corynebacterium infection (P 0.05). 3 Clinical classification at admission. The clinical classification and staging of GLM patients with Corynebacterium tumefaciens infection on admission were mainly abscess type, acute stage, and heat toxin was more common in the early stage of admission. Compared with non-Corynebacterium infection, there was no significant difference (P 0.05). 4. The re-admission rate of GLM patients with Corynebacterium infection was significantly higher than that of non-Corynebacterium infection patients (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in hyperprolactin between GLM patients infected with Corynebacterium and non-Corynebacterium infection (P 0.05). The average time between GLM patients infected with Corynebacterium and Corynebacterium infection was 2.02 卤2.2 months, which was shorter than that of non-Corynebacterium infection patients. The difference was statistically significant (P 0.01). The classification stage of GLM patients with Corynebacterium infection was mostly abscess type, the acute stage was mainly pus, and there was no difference between Corynebacterium infection and non-Corynebacterium infection. Conclusion: the onset time of GLM patients with Corynebacterium infection is longer than that of the last delivery, the mass is relatively large, and the rate of re-admission to hospital is higher. The longer the GLM patients infected with Corynebacterium, the shorter the time of onset, suggesting that the early stage of the disease may be more conducive to the detection of Corynebacterium. The longer the last production time, the physiological changes in the mammary duct may be more conducive to the growth of bacteria. However, there was no significant difference in clinical features between the two groups. GLM infected with Corynebacterium was not necessarily a special mastitis.


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