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发布时间:2019-05-29 09:46
[Abstract]:The number of patients with cerebrospinal fluid leakage after spinal operation is increasing year by year, and the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid has become one of the major complications in the operation of the spinal column. The occurrence of cerebrospinal fluid leakage often leads to nausea, vomiting, low intracranial pressure and headache, and the surgical incision can not be cured for a long time, and can even cause the pseudocyst of the dura mater, the intra-vertebral infection, the intracranial infection, and the like. In the operation, if the dura mater is found to be damaged, effective measures are taken to repair the dura mater, and the integrity of the dura mater is the key to prevent the leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid. At present, the most common repair method for linear hard-ridge film damage is direct-wire suture. With the development of the medical device, the hard-ridge film sealant is widely used as a material for auxiliary repair. If the dura mater is in the presence of a defect, it is possible to repair with an autologous tissue or a heterogeneous tissue dura mater substitute. In case of cerebrospinal fluid leakage, it is necessary to shorten the time of continuous leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid without increasing the risk of infection and the pain of the patient, and to promote the wound healing. For the treatment of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage, there is no absolute and uniform treatment method at present. The common treatment measures mainly include the following steps: removing the wound pressure and bandaging of the drainage tube, prolonging the drainage time, and intermittently clamping the drainage tube, the waist big pool and the tube drainage, and the like.


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