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发布时间:2019-06-16 15:41
[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the efficacy and side effects of botulinum toxin A combined with local injection of hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acid in the treatment of keloid. Methods: 58 patients with keloid were divided into two groups: local injection of botulinum toxin type A (compound betamisone injection) and hyaluronic acid treatment group (combination treatment group, n = 28) and simple local injection and hyaluronic acid external use group (control group, n = 30). The patients in the two groups were locally injected with Baosong once every 4 weeks for 3 times, and the patients in the two groups were treated with hyaluronic acid every day. The patients in the combined treatment group were injected with botulinum toxin A around the skin lesions after the first injection. The data of parameters before and after each treatment, the observation indexes of adverse reactions and the clinical photos before and after each treatment were collected and compared and analyzed. Results: compared with the control group, the appearance of skin lesions in the combined treatment group was better than that in the control group. The visual analog score of pain in the control group decreased at 1 month after treatment, but increased gradually at 2 and 3 months, and the VAS value in the combined treatment group decreased gradually within 3 months of treatment, which was significantly different from that in the control group at 2 and 3 months (P 0.05). Within 3 months of treatment, the thickness of skin lesions in the combined treatment group decreased gradually, but the decrease in the control group was not obvious; at 3 months of treatment, the curative effect of the combined treatment group was significantly better than that of the control group (P 0.05). The symptoms of pain and itching and the thickness of skin lesions in the control group showed rebound 2 weeks after each injection, while there was no rebound in the combined treatment group. The incidence of adverse reactions was 26.7% in the control group and 25.0% in the combined treatment group. There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P 0.05). Conclusion: local injection of botulinum toxin A combined with hyaluronic acid is more effective than local injection and hyaluronic acid alone in the treatment of keloid, and there is no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions. It is worth popularizing and applying in clinic.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学中日联谊医院皮肤科;吉林大学中日联谊医院病理科;


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