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发布时间:2019-07-06 17:27
[Abstract]:Epilepsy, as the second major brain disease following the cerebrovascular disease, not only causes great harm to the body and mind of the patient, but also has a great impact on the family and society in which the patient is located, The diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy has been an area of special interest to clinicians and neuroscientists. This paper, from the angle of neuroinformation engineering, combined with the need of the analysis of cortical EEG in the course of epilepsy, has carried out the research from the aspects of the detection of the seizure, the location of the epileptic focus, the positioning and the mechanism of the function of the brain, and mainly includes the following aspects: first, It is proposed to use the maximum entropy rate method based on the recursive graph to automatically mark the seizure, and the data of the seizure period can be automatically marked by the information entropy estimation of the phase space distribution of the multi-channel cortical brain electrical signal. The data of the onset interval and the episode period of multiple patients with individual difference were analyzed. The results showed that the method can accurately distinguish the episode data and the episode interval data. This indicates that the method can be effectively applied to the clinic for the automatic marking of the seizure. Secondly, the current source analysis of the cortical and brain electrical signals of the epileptic patients was put forward using the current source density analysis method based on the spectrum decomposition, which was used for the detection of the epileptic foci. The results show that the current source density analysis method based on the spectrum decomposition can be more stable and more accurate with respect to the conventional current source density analysis method, and the result can be distinguished according to the frequency information of the EEG, and the discharge mode of the epileptic focus can be better understood. It is also found that the results obtained from the interval data and the episode data have higher consistency, which indicates that the current source density analysis method based on the spectrum decomposition can be used for the location of the epileptic focus without relying on the episode data. Then, a Monte Carlo-based wavelet coherence method is proposed to construct the cortical network of the brain cortex of the single-task cortex, which is used to locate the functional area of the brain, and based on the requirements of the real-time performance, the large-scale parallelization design is carried out using the GPGPU technology. The results show that the Monte-Carlo wavelet coherence method can effectively position the high-level cognitive function area of the brain, and the calculation speed of the Monte-Carlo wavelet coherence method is greatly improved after the GPU is introduced, so that the method can be used for real-time positioning of the functional area of the brain. Further, an epileptic surgical aid kit for a clinician is developed. The core of the kit is the brain three-dimensional visualization system, And the problem of the position deviation existing in the prior electrode positioning technology is solved. The kit has a friendly interface and has a high execution efficiency and can be adapted to the requirements of the software response clinically. The kit can provide the clinician with the functions of operation planning, intraoperative analysis, post-operation assessment and the like. Finally, a power-rate analysis method based on harmonic wavelet is proposed, and the mechanism of the development of epilepsy is studied by using the critical theory. The results show that, for the brain system, the onset of the seizure is the process of changing the brain system from one non-stable state to the steady state, The recovery after a seizure is a process of realigning the brain system from a stabilization system to a non-stable system, and the critical state of the brain system changes before the onset of the seizure. The critical theory analysis is a new tool for describing the dynamic change of the nerve signal, which can be used to understand the development process of the epilepsy, and can also effectively predict the seizure.


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