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发布时间:2019-07-07 07:26
[Abstract]:Background: the biomechanical mechanism of wrist joint is complex. In the past, most of the previous studies have focused on the stress conduction between carpal bones, but few studies have been done on the stress distribution and deformation characteristics of bone trabeculae in carpal bone. Aim: to establish a two-dimensional finite element model of sagittal plane of human lunar bone and to explore the distribution of stress and deformation characteristics when axial stress is applied on sagittal plane of lunar bone. Methods: the processed sagittal images were introduced into the finite element analysis software to establish the two-dimensional finite element model of the sagittal surface of the lunar bone. Nine regions of interest are uniformly selected on the two-dimensional finite element model, and the first principal stress, the third principal stress and the equivalent stress of the node, the plane shear force and the longitudinal displacement of each region of interest are calculated, the size and direction of the two-dimensional finite element model of the sagittal plane of the lunar bone are compared, and the deformation diagram, stress and displacement cloud images of the two-dimensional finite element model of the sagittal plane of the lunar bone are generated. Results and conclusion: 1 two-dimensional finite element model analysis of sagittal surface of Lunate bone: the stress in the proximal region of interest on the sagittal plane of lunar bone was greater than that in the distal region of interest, the stress on the palmar area of interest on the sagittal surface of lunar bone was greater than that in the dorsal region of interest, and the stress in the proximal and distal palms and dorsal regions of interest on the sagittal surface of lunar bone was higher than that in the middle region of interest of the corresponding lunar bone, respectively. The region of interest in the distal part of the sagittal surface of the lunar bone is pressed to the proximal end, and the region of interest in the middle region of the proximal end is pressed to the distal end, while the longitudinal displacement direction of the region of interest varies with the posture of the wrist joint, and the stress and displacement of each region of interest increase obviously in the flexion position and the back extension position. In addition, it is also found that the stress concentration region is the main area in which the direction of plane shear force changes and the direction of axial displacement changes. 2 the results show that the stress distribution of the sagittal surface of lunar bone has a certain regularity when the axial stress is applied, and four stress concentration areas are formed in the proximal palms of the sagittal surface of the lunar bone, the palms of the dorsal and distal sides, and the dorsalis of the sagittal surface of the lunar bone. Moreover, the posture of wrist joint can significantly affect the stress size and distribution on the sagittal plane of lunar bone.
【作者单位】: 北京积水潭医院手外科;清华大学第一附属医院;北京大学工学院生物力学实验室;北京大学工学院;
【基金】:the National Clinical Key Construction Project-Hand Surgery,No.(2010)305 the High-Level Health Technology Talent Training Program of Beijing Health System,No.2009-3-17~~


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