[Abstract]:The clinical pathway (CP) is the most appropriate and easy-to-accept diagnostic and treatment plan for the diagnosis and treatment, care, rehabilitation and detection of a particular disease by the medical and related subjects. The adoption of the clinical pathway can effectively reduce the average hospital stay time of a single disease, and also can reduce the medical expense, and finally, the expected treatment effect can still be achieved. But the current clinical path still does not form a complete, exact and feasible theoretical system, because the programmer does not know the medicine, and the clinician does not know the computer programming, the database, the interdisciplinary fusion is very small, the present system design and the clinical application have a certain separation, The seamless connection between the program and the practical application can not be well realized, the use enthusiasm of the clinician is influenced, and the final use effect of the clinical path is not good. This paper, from the point of clinical application and combined with the thought and method of network engineering, is based on the clinical path form issued by the CDPC, and realizes the important functions of clinical path data management, clinical route application execution and clinical path tracking and analysis of the femoral neck fracture. Taking the fracture of the femoral neck as the research object, the demand analysis, the form design, the mapping strategy, the data management and the statistical analysis of the clinical pathway system are studied and discussed, based on this, the analysis, design and implementation of the system are carried out. The clinical application and application of the clinical pathway of the femoral neck fracture were studied from the angle of the combination of clinical and network, so that the clinical pathway of the femoral neck fracture was effectively applied in the clinical practice of the pilot hospital. Through the analysis and demonstration of the paper, the computer engineering personnel can be informed of the specific requirements of the clinical personnel and the management personnel on the clinical path, so that the system software more suitable for clinical application is developed; and the medical personnel can have an in-depth and complete understanding of the clinical path, And can be used for establishing a clinical path of a new disease type from the existing HIS system according to the clinical path construction process of the femoral neck fracture based on the existing HIS system. At present, the clinical pathway system of the femoral neck fracture studied in this paper has been put into operation in the bone room of the pilot hospital, and the operation effect is good. The operation of the clinical route is simple and convenient, the diagnosis and treatment behavior of the bone doctor of the pilot hospital is standardized, the policy requirement of the management department is met, the working intensity of the medical staff is greatly reduced, and the overall medical quality of the hospital is finally improved.
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