[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the present situation of myopia in primary school students of Weihanzhong in Yining city, and to explore the environmental and genetic factors related to visual acuity of primary and middle school students in order to provide reference for improving myopia of primary and middle school students. Methods: using stratified cluster random sampling method, 6 schools (3 in urban area and 3 in township district) were selected according to urban stratification, and 3000 primary school students in Weihanzhong were randomly selected according to the class size, and the visual acuity was screened in the class sampled from each school. Thirty-one students with other eye diseases were excluded; 2879 students were surveyed. The questionnaire includes the following categories: basic situation, visual acuity, behavior habits, family history (including myopia of first-degree relatives and second-degree relatives, parents' education level, etc.). The heritability of myopia in the first and second degree relatives of proband was calculated by Falconer method. Results: (1) 2879 students (13.36 卤2.226) and 997 (34.6%) myopic students had significant differences in heritability among different nationalities, different gender, different learning stages, different places of origin, different body mass index and different urban stratification (p0.05). (2). The heritability of myopia in first degree relatives (0.2771 卤0.0484) was lower than that in second degree relatives (0.3565 卤0.1032), the heritability of myopia in severe myopia students was higher than that in mild and moderate myopia students, the heritability of Uygur students was lower than that of Han nationality students, and the heritability of female students was higher than that of boys. The heritability of primary school students was higher than that of middle school students. (3) Multivariate analysis showed that the distance between reading and reading was less than 30 cm in Han nationality, female students, high learning stage, urban area, reading and writing, bad reading and writing habits, not paying attention to doing eye exercises, sleeping time less than 8 hours per day. Parents and grandparents were the main risk factors for myopia in primary and middle school students. Conclusion: the risk of myopia of Uygur students is lower than that of Han nationality students, the risk of myopia of male students is lower than that of girls, and the risk of myopia with learning stage is also high, the heritability of myopia students is higher than that of non-myopic students, and the heritability of students with severe myopia is higher. The heritability of first-degree relatives was lower than that of second-degree relatives; Han nationality, girls, high learning stage, urban areas, close reading, bad reading and writing habits, not paying attention to doing eye exercises, lack of sleep, unreasonable diet, Myopia between parents and grandparents is the main risk factor of myopia. The difference of myopia among Uighur and Han students may be related to race inheritance, living habits, eating habits, eye habits, and the older the age, the greater the effect of genetic factors. The effect of environmental factors was also great with age. Therefore, the occurrence of myopia in primary and middle school students can be prevented and controlled from both genetic and environmental factors so as to reduce the prevalence rate of myopia in primary and middle school students.
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