[Abstract]:Objective:To investigate the clinical effect of the tarsal anterior orbicularis oculi muscle flap in the repair of double eyelid fold widening.Methods:From October 2014 to October 2016,19 patients with double eyelid fold widening after double eyelid surgery were retrospectively reviewed. Women, aged 19-47, with an average age of 26 years, were divided into three groups according to the location of the double eyelid fold width. They were divided into three groups: double width group, single width group and local width group. The patients were followed up for 6 to 18 months with an average time of 12 months. The results of the repair, postoperative complications and satisfaction were analyzed retrospectively. Results: From October 2014 to October 2016, before the application of tarsal plate, the patients were followed up for 6 to 18 months. Following up for 6 to 18 months, 7 patients (87.5%) in the single-width group were satisfied with the results, 1 patient (12.5%) was satisfied with the slight asymmetry, 4 patients (66.7%) in the double-width group were satisfied with the results, 1 patient (16.65%) had slight asymmetry and 1 patient (16.65%) had slight concave upper eyelid. Four patients (80%) in the local width group were very satisfied with the results of correction, and one (20%) in the bilateral upper eyelid slightly asymmetrical surgery was satisfactory. 19 patients had lower double fold height, symmetrical double fold and good double fold curvature. It is a simple and effective method to repair the blepharoplasty. It has successfully restored the shape of eyelid, restored the symmetry of double folds, reduced the height of double folds, effectively prevented the recurrence of abnormal adhesion, and achieved good repair effect in function, anatomy and shape recovery after operation.
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