[Abstract]:Retina pigmentosa (RP) is one of the most common hereditary retinal diseases, with a global incidence of 1/ 3000-1/ 5000. The main features are a group of photoreceptors (PRs) and retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE). the function of the RPE) is lost to a common manifestation of a hereditary retinal degenerative disease. There are 63 pathogenic genes and sites associated with retinitis pigmentosa, 22 of which are associated with autosomal dominant inheritance. At present, only 50% to 60% of the RP has identified a clear pathogenic gene, and still more than 40% of the pathogenic genes of the RP patients have not yet been found. The traditional method of chain analysis and location cloning has the limitation. With the further development of the second generation sequencing technology, the exon group sequencing technology, the whole-genome sequencing, the WGS and the target gene chip capture technology are considered to be the gospel of the relevant pathogenic gene screening of the RP. How to select efficient and reasonable molecular diagnosis technology and to control the cost as much as possible is a common problem to be solved urgently for genetic disease gene diagnosis. In this study, new pathogenic mutations, PRPF4 and SPP2, were found in the genetic family of RP by the methods of second generation sequencing combined target gene capture, full-exon sequencing and linkage analysis, respectively. PRPF4 and the SNRNP200, which we have found in the earlier stage, are the front body m RNA shear, and play an important physiological function in the synthesis of m-RNA. SPP2 is a member of the caystins superfamily, but its specific function is not yet clear. in this study, we respectively observe that normal physiological function of the cell and the change of the structure of the tissue by construct the cell and the zebrafish model animal. The possible mechanism of its tissue specificity was discussed in detail. In PRPF4, we found two mutations c. -114 _-97del and hPrp4 ~ (Pro315Leu). c. -114 _-97del may interfere with the two transcription factor binding sites, and we have observed a significant decrease in the activation activity of the PRPF4 using the luciferase reporter gene. The skin fibroblasts extracted from the patient can observe that h Prp4 ~ (Pro315Leu) can increase the shear factor level (including prpf4) in a variety of shear complex, and change the aggregation state of the shear complex SC35. The above results indicate that the increase in other shear factors of the shear complex may be a compensatory effect. In animal model, we have found that after the expression of h Prp4 ~ (Pro315Leu) can lead to a rise in the teratogenic rate of zebrafish, and can cause primary damage of the retina. When h Prp4 ~ (Pro315Leu) and MO (silent prpf4 gene) co-act, the lethal teratogenic rate of h Prp4 ~ (Pro315Leu) increased significantly. The above results show that PRPF4 is a new pathogenic mutation of RP and is induced by either a haploid or a dominant negative. In the SNRNP200 experiment, we observed that SNRNP200 is widely expressed in zebrafish. After the SNRNP200 was silent in the zebrafish model, it was found that its shear function was disturbed (cbln1), and the level of other shear sublevels in the shear complex could be increased, and the genes for certain retinal-specific expression were significantly down-regulated. and when the SNRNP200 is silent, it generally has an increase in the teratogenic rate, and the stem cell is involved in the early stage, which is consistent with the clinical course of the RP. In the SPP2 experiment, we found the p. Gly97Arg mutation of SPP2 (above the first of the two highly conserved disulfide bonds of the SPP24). Overexpression of p. Gly97Arg and p. Gly29Asp (a positive reference prepared in this experiment) results in the retention of SPP2 in the cells and ultimately the occurrence of endoplasmic reticulum stress. In a zebrafish-mode animal, we observed that the activity of the rod-like cells will be specific after the expression of SPP2 muation. The screening and study of these RP mutations can provide a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the pathology of the RP disease, thereby providing assistance for clinical treatment.
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