[Abstract]:The lacrimal duct, located in the naso-orbital ethmoid region, is a lacrimal drainage system consisting of lacrimal spots, lacrimal canaliculi, common lacrimal duct, lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct. When the naso-orbital ethmoid region is fractured, the nasolacrimal duct will be squeezed or fractured, and the drainage function will be abnormal. The visual acuity of the human eye will be decreased and even serious dysfunction will be caused by the fracture of the nasolacrimal duct. Because the anatomical structure of the area is complex, it can cause multiple sites and different types of obstruction after fracture. Therefore, the key to successful operation and maximum recovery of lacrimal duct drainage function is to fully understand the injury before operation and to restore the drainage function of lacrimal duct to the maximum extent. With the continuous progress of science and technology, the application of computer-aided technology in the field of medicine has become more and more extensive. However, at present, there are no scientific research institutes at home and abroad. The Commercial Medical Software Company has put forward a complete computer-aided planning scheme for lacrimal duct surgery. In this paper, through cooperation with the Ninth people's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, The techniques of computer-aided surgery planning for lacrimal passage were studied as follows: (1) the transformation of two-dimensional coordinate points to three-dimensional coordinate points. In three-dimensional space, sampling points can only be marked on the surface of objects. Therefore, a method of transforming two-dimensional coordinate points to three-dimensional coordinate points is proposed in this paper, which can mark sampling points in the interior of three-dimensional objects. (2) resampling the volume data along the direction of nasolacrimal duct. Because the direction of the nasolacrimal canal is not perpendicular to the scanning direction of CT, CT slice can not accurately reflect the structure and shape of the nasolacrimal duct. In this paper, the inner axis of the nasolacrimal duct is calculated by using the transformation relationship between the two-dimensional coordinate points and the three-dimensional coordinate points. Then the volume data near the nasolacrimal duct were resampled along the direction perpendicular to the central axis and a new two-dimensional slice sequence of the nasolacrimal duct was obtained. (3) Segmentation and reconstruction of nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal sac. After obtaining the resampling two-dimensional slice sequence along the nasolacrimal duct, the active contour model algorithm is used to segment the slice sequence. Then three-dimensional reconstruction of normal nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal sac was completed by surface reconstruction based on contour line and surface reconstruction based on voxel. For the fractured nasolacrimal duct, the two-dimensional segmentation of the nasolacrimal duct is accomplished by using the Snake model and the artificial interactive method, because the constringency profile of the nasolacrimal duct is not closed. Then the shortest diagonal method is used to reconstruct the three-dimensional model of the nasolacrimal canal from the contour line. At the same time, the traditional shortest diagonal method can easily form the obtuse triangle and the error accumulates continuously when the triangle is connected, this paper improves it. (4) the automatic segmentation method is proposed. In this paper, an automatic segmentation method is proposed, which takes the convergence contour of the previous slice as the initial contour of the next slice by using the continuity between adjacent slices, aiming at the deficiency of the interactive operation of the active contour model segmentation method. To complete the automatic segmentation of the slice sequence. (5) computer aided analysis and measurement. After three-dimensional reconstruction of lacrimal duct, the anatomic structure inside and outside the lacrimal duct, the fracture of nasolacrimal duct and the distance of lacrimal sac displacement can be clearly displayed. On this basis, visual stereometry, marking and mirror symmetry between normal and fractured nasolacrimal duct can be achieved. The lacrimal passage assisted planning technique proposed in this paper combines CT imaging technology with image segmentation technology and scientific computing visualization technology, which can improve the safety, accuracy and micro-originality of surgery. It is of great significance for assisting doctors to diagnose.
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