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发布时间:2018-05-21 05:45

  本文选题:肛肠疾病 + 患病率 ; 参考:《中国公共卫生》2017年02期

【摘要】:目的探讨心理因素与肛肠疾病患病的关系。方法 2012年1月—2014年9月以问卷调查和体格检查相结合的方式,调查中国31个省(自治区和直辖市)共68 906人的基本情况、心理状况(平常性情、对生活的满意度、是否感到精神紧张和压力大、是否经历重大挫折)及肛肠疾病患病情况。应用SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。结果平常性情急躁者肛肠疾病患病率(63.95%)明显高于性情温和(48.63%)及性情一般人群(47.71%);感到无压力者肛肠疾病患病率较低(46.66%),有压力者患病率较高,其中感到压力很大、很紧张的居民肛肠疾病患病率高达69.25%;对自己的生活(包括人际关系、工作等)满意的居民肛肠疾病患病率较低(47.52%),而对自己生活很不满意和不满意的居民,其肛肠疾病患病率较高,分别为76.62%和67.68%;最近一年经历过重大挫折的居民患病率为70.27%,明显高于未经历过重大挫折者(47.91%)(χ~2=1216.09,P0.001)。结论心理因素可影响肛肠疾病的发生。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the relationship between psychological factors and anorectal diseases. Methods from January 2012 to September 2014, a total of 68906 people from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) were investigated with questionnaire survey and physical examination. Do you feel nervous and stressed, do you experience major setbacks) and anorectal disease. SPSS 17.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results the prevalence rate of anorectal diseases in patients with irritable temperament was 63.95) significantly higher than that in moderate temperaments (48.63) and in the general population of temperament 47.711.The prevalence rate of anorectal diseases was lower in those without stress than that in patients with stress, and the prevalence rate of anorectal diseases in patients with stress was higher than that in patients with stress, among which the prevalence rate was very high. The prevalence rate of anal and intestinal diseases in the very stressed residents was as high as 69.25. Those who were satisfied with their own lives (including interpersonal relationships, work, etc.) had a lower prevalence of anal and intestinal diseases (47.52%), while those who were very dissatisfied and dissatisfied with their own lives, The prevalence rate of anorectal diseases was 76.62% and 67.68%, respectively, and the prevalence rate of major setbacks in the last year was 70.27, which was significantly higher than that in those who had not experienced any major setbacks (蠂 2 / 1216.09 / P 0.001). Conclusion Psychological factors may affect the occurrence of anorectal diseases.
【作者单位】: 马应龙药业集团股份有限公司产品开发中心;中国人民解放军第117医院;


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