发布时间:2018-06-23 19:28
本文选题:干眼 + 患病率 ; 参考:《大连医科大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的: 调查大连医科大学眼科门诊眼干涩患者干眼的患病情况,统计分析大连地区干眼的诱因、症状、体征及临床检查结果,进一步提高对干眼的认识。 方法: 随机抽取2010年11月1日至2010年12月30日来大连医科大学附一院眼科门诊就诊的有眼干涩主诉的235名患者(470只眼),分为7个年龄组,并先进行问卷调查,再进行裂隙灯检查,泪膜破裂时间测定,泪湖弯月面检查,角膜荧光素钠染色,泪液分泌实验。对调查所得数据用SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析。 结果: 本次共调查235人(470只眼),调查患者的平均年龄48.55±15.77岁。女性共调查158人,占67.23%,男性共调查77人,占32.76%,男女比为1:2.05。男女组人数调查结果进行配对t检验,t=-3.859,p=0.008,p0.05,本次调查男女人数有显著性差异。我院眼科门诊有眼干涩主诉患者干眼症患病率为45.10%,干眼病患病率为50.63%,干眼综合征患病率为4.25%,男性患病率32.76%女性患病率67.23%,男女患病率比较用卡方分析结果x2=20.687,p0.05,男女患病率有显著性差异。女性患病率明显高于男性。在调查的470只眼中BUT≤5s的为236只,占50.21%,BUT在6—10s的为167只,占35.53%,本次调查有85.74%的眼干涩主诉患者有泪膜不稳定;在Schirmer’s I试验中有373只眼≤10mm/5min,占79.36% ,有角膜染色的为207只眼,占44.04%,泪湖弯月面检查有412只眼异常,占87.65%。男女干眼患病时间用配对t检验t=-0.223,p=0.831,p0.05,无显著性差异。对各年龄组干眼患病时间与干眼人数用相关分析结果为Pearson相关性:-0.301,显著性(双侧):p0.05,干眼与患病时间无相关性。本次调查内容中主观症状出现频次由多到少依次为:眼干涩眼疲劳眼痒异物感眼痛头痛喉咙干嘴干视物模糊眼红流泪烧灼感有粘液分泌物。调查内容中不良生活习惯出现的频次由多到少依次为:长期用暖气长期用电脑女性眼部美容长时间驾车长时间用空调吸烟失眠。干眼与角膜染色、BUT测定、泪湖弯月面检查、schirmerⅠ实验用相关分析结果均相关,干眼与BUT测定、schirmer’sⅠ实验在0.01水平上显著相关;与角膜染色与泪湖弯月面检查在0.05水平上显著相关;各干眼检查结果均显著相关。干眼与本次调查内容中的不良生活习惯、不同职业及各主观症状用相关分析结果均有显著的相关性,其相互之间均显著相关。 结论: 1、我院眼科门诊有眼干涩主诉患者干眼症患病率为45.10%,干眼病患病率为50.63%,干眼综合征患病率为4.25%,男性患病率32.76%女性患病率67.23%,女性患病率明显高于男性。 2、干眼发病与年龄、性别、绝经、职业、长期使用眼药水、空调、暖气、电脑均相关。 3、本次调查结果中主观症状出现频次由多到少依次为:眼干涩、眼疲劳、眼痒、异物感、眼痛、头痛、喉咙干嘴干、视物模糊、眼红、流泪、烧灼感、有粘液分泌物。 4、我院眼科门诊有眼干涩主诉患者最后诊断以干眼病为主。
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate the incidence of dry eye in ophthalmological outpatient department of Dalian Medical University, and analyze the inducement, symptom, sign and clinical examination result of dry eye in Dalian area, so as to improve the understanding of dry eye. Methods: from November 1, 2010 to December 30, 2010, 235 patients (470 eyes) with dry eye complaints were randomly selected and divided into 7 age groups. Slit-lamp examination, lacrimal film rupture time measurement, lacrimal lake meniscus examination, corneal fluorescein sodium staining, tear secretion test. The data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software. Results: 235 patients (470 eyes) were investigated. The average age of the patients was 48.55 卤15.77 years old. A total of 158 women (67.23%) and 77 men (32.76%) were surveyed, with a ratio of 1: 2.05. The number of male and female groups was tested by paired t test (t = -3.859), and there was a significant difference in the number of male and female population in this survey. The prevalence rate of xerophthalmia, dry eye syndrome and dry eye syndrome were 45.10, 50.63 and 4.25, respectively. The prevalence rate of male was 32.76%. The prevalence rate of female and male was 67.233.The results of chi-square analysis were used to compare the prevalence of male and female by chi-square analysis. There was significant difference in the rate of disease. The prevalence rate of female was significantly higher than that of male. In 470 eyes of the survey, the number of patients with but 鈮,