[Abstract]:Objective: To analyze the frequency and characteristics of blood stasis syndrome in patients with primary glaucoma, and to explore the relationship between blood stasis and primary glaucoma, so as to provide evidence for clinical application of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in the treatment of glaucoma. 53 eyes were retrospectively analyzed in terms of type, sex, age, course of disease, symptoms and signs of blood stasis in eyes and whole body, and blood viscosity. The characteristic symptoms and frequency of occurrence of blood stasis syndrome in primary glaucoma were summarized. Among them, 28 cases (27.72%) were acute angle closure glaucoma, 45 cases (44.55%) were chronic angle closure glaucoma, 28 cases (27.72%) were open angle glaucoma. The frequency distribution was negative skewness, while the CACG and POAG were normal distribution. The frequency distribution of AACG, CACG and POAG were positive skewness. 4 The common symptoms of blood stasis in eyes were bulbar conjunctival vasodilation, tortuous retinal veins/arteries thinning, and pale optic disc. There were 201 cases (83.75%), 194 cases (80.83%) with pale optic disc, 75 cases (31.25%) with hypertension, 33 cases (13.75%) with diabetes mellitus. The statistical results showed that there was no significant difference in the frequency of blood stasis syndrome among different types of primary glaucoma (P 0.05). _Different types of primary glaucoma and gender, age, course of disease. The blood stasis indices were: retinal vein occlusion, retinal artery occlusion (P 0.05); and the blood stasis indices were: retinal vein occlusion, arterial occlusion, hypertension (P 0.05); and the blood stasis indices were: optic disc. Paleness, retinal vein tortuosity/arterial thinning, retinal vein occlusion, retinal artery occlusion, diabetes mellitus (P 0.05); and the course of the disease between the statistical significance of the "blood stasis" indicators are: subconjunctival hemorrhage, pale optic disc, retinal vein tortuosity/arterial thinning, with retinal vein occlusion, retinal artery occlusion, hypertension, sugar Urinary disease patients (P 0.05); and different types of patients with bulbar conjunctival vasodilation and gender, age, course of disease were not statistically significant (P 0.05)Systemic "blood stasis" symptoms were most common: hypoglossal varices in 199 cases, accounting for 82.92%; pulse strings or stagnation in 163 cases, accounting for 67.92%; tongue purple dark or tongue with ecchymosis in 121 cases, accounting for 50.4%. Statistical results showed that there was statistical significance between patients with different types of pulse strings or stagnation and the course of disease (P Viscosity and erythrocyte aggregation index were 50 cases (20.83%) and 49 cases (20.42%) respectively. There was statistical significance between the frequency of primary glaucoma and the increased hemorheological indexes (P 0.05).
Conclusion: There is a close relationship between primary glaucoma and blood stasis, and the frequency of "blood stasis" syndrome in primary glaucoma is from high to low: bulbar conjunctival vasodilation, tortuosity of retinal veins / arteries thinning, pale optic disc, astringent pulse strings or metaplasia, purple or dark tongue with stasis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, hypertension, retinal quiescence. At the same time, different types of primary glaucoma with retinal vein occlusion, retinal artery occlusion and gender, age, course of disease were statistically significant (P 0.05). Performance, AACG male and female ratio is not significantly different, but CACG and POAG female significantly more than men; AACG age 51-60 years old living in Most of the patients with AACG were under half a year, while those with CACG and POAG were between half a year and four years. It can be used as a characteristic symptom of "blood stasis" in primary glaucoma.
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