发布时间:2018-09-12 11:13
【摘要】:正1临床资料患者男,22岁,无职业,未婚。左侧头面部红斑水疱伴疼痛5d。患者于5d前无明显诱因左侧头面部疼痛,左眼疼痛不适,随之左侧头面部出现红斑水疱,并就诊于天津市眼科医院,考虑为角膜炎,因带状疱疹引起,予对症眼药治疗,遂就诊于本院门诊,患者既往体键,诊断为带状疱疹,予抗病毒对症治疗,病情控制欠佳,且出现恶心呕吐,发热,最高达T 38.5℃L,予地塞米松5mg肌注治疗一次,皮疹面积仍逐渐增多,疼痛明显,为求
[Abstract]:The patient was 22 years old and had no occupation and was unmarried. Left face erythema blister with pain for 5 days. The patient had no obvious inducement for left head and face pain and left eye pain before 5 days. Then the left head and face appeared erythema blister. The patient was admitted to Tianjin Eye Hospital, considering keratitis, which was caused by herpes zoster, and was treated with ophthalmic medicine. The patient was diagnosed with herpes zoster and was treated with antiviral therapy. The patient developed nausea and vomiting, fever, up to T 38.5 鈩,
[Abstract]:The patient was 22 years old and had no occupation and was unmarried. Left face erythema blister with pain for 5 days. The patient had no obvious inducement for left head and face pain and left eye pain before 5 days. Then the left head and face appeared erythema blister. The patient was admitted to Tianjin Eye Hospital, considering keratitis, which was caused by herpes zoster, and was treated with ophthalmic medicine. The patient was diagnosed with herpes zoster and was treated with antiviral therapy. The patient developed nausea and vomiting, fever, up to T 38.5 鈩,