发布时间:2018-11-21 09:53
【摘要】:正患儿,男,以"发现口腔内新生物4h"为主诉就诊。该患儿为38周足月剖宫产,羊水、胎盘、脐带正常,于当地医院出生后清理口腔时发现一新生物,因未及时牵引出,新生物脱落向下,具体部位不详,患儿呼吸音粗,无明显呼吸困难、憋气症状,无喉喘鸣。查体:体温36.4℃,脉搏128次/min,呼吸26次/min,体重3 000g,前囟平坦,无口唇发绀,无鼻翼扇动,三凹征阴性。颈软无抵抗,胸廓对称,双肺听诊呼吸音粗,未闻及干湿Up音,无痰鸣
[Abstract]:Children, male, to "find new oral organisms for 4 hours" as the main complaint. The baby is 38 weeks full term cesarean section, amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord normal, after the local hospital after the cleaning of oral cavity found a new organism, due to not timely traction, the new organism fell down, the exact location is unknown, the baby breath sound thick, No obvious dyspnea, choking symptoms, no larynx wheezing. Body temperature 36.4 鈩,
[Abstract]:Children, male, to "find new oral organisms for 4 hours" as the main complaint. The baby is 38 weeks full term cesarean section, amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord normal, after the local hospital after the cleaning of oral cavity found a new organism, due to not timely traction, the new organism fell down, the exact location is unknown, the baby breath sound thick, No obvious dyspnea, choking symptoms, no larynx wheezing. Body temperature 36.4 鈩,