[Abstract]:[objective] to summarize and analyze the clinical manifestation and treatment status of pupillary remnant by reviewing the cases, and to explore its pathogenesis, and to provide evidence for early diagnosis and individualized treatment of pupillary remnant membrane. [materials and methods] from August 2003 to August 2009, the patients diagnosed as the residual membrane of the membranous pupillary in the Eye Center of the second affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College were retrospectively investigated and summarized. To find the online database of the National Library of Medicine (PubMed1980), input the key words (congenital pupillary remnant, iris dysplasia, cataract, glaucoma, pupil abnormality), and analyze the pathogenesis of PPM. Clinical manifestation and treatment. [results] from August 2003 to August 2009, there were 7 patients (12 eyes) diagnosed as membranous pupillary remnant membrane in the Eye Center of the second affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College, of which 4 cases (7 eyes) were complicated with cataract. One case (2 eyes) was complicated with glaucoma, cataract and one case (1 eye) with retinal detachment. There were few cases of remnant membrane in the middle pupil after PubMed1980 years. The occurrence of this disease was related to abnormal iris development. [conclusion] (1) PPM is an iris congenital abnormality caused by incomplete regression of anterior vascular membrane of lens in embryonic phase. (2) the clinical manifestations of PPM were mainly the same color of the pupillary area as the pigmented tissue of the iris, which could be accompanied by cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment and so on. (3) at present, conservative treatment, laser therapy and surgical treatment are the main methods for the treatment of PPM. Individualized treatment should be made according to the different clinical characteristics and course of the patients.
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