[Abstract]:Objective to observe the vibration of different sites of tympanic membrane in guinea pigs and the vibration changes of hammer bone stalk before and after perforation, and to explore the effect of tympanic membrane perforation on the sound transmission mechanism of middle ear. Methods the anterior and lower tympanic membrane of left ear and / or the posterior lower tympanic membrane of right ear were punctured with venous indwelling needle of 1.1mm in 6 fresh guinea pigs and rotated for one week. Acoustic stimulation with 14 frequencies of 90dB SPL,0.5~8kHz was given before and after tympanic membrane perforation. The vibration velocity of different sites of complete tympanic membrane and the vibration velocity of hammer bone handle before and after tympanic membrane perforation were measured by laser Doppler vibrometer. The six measuring sites on the complete tympanic membrane were the umbilical part on the hammer bone handle, the middle part of the hammer bone, the short process and the tympanic membrane tension part. Results among the six sites measured by the complete tympanic membrane, the vibration velocity of the site below the umbilical part was the highest. The shape of the frequency response curve of umbilical vibration before and after tympanic membrane perforation is basically similar. The vibration loss is obvious in the frequency range below 1.5kHz, and the vibration loss is reduced or even increased in the frequency range above 1.5kHz. The umbilical vibration loss at 0.5kHz frequency after posterior perforation of tympanic membrane was the largest, and the loss value of umbilical vibration loss was larger than that caused by posterior perforation of tympanic membrane in the frequency range below 7dB.1.5kHz, but the difference was not statistically significant. In the measured frequency range, the average vibration velocity ratio of short process of hammer bone to umbilical part of tympanic membrane was 0.5. Tympanic membrane perforation had no significant effect on this ratio, and there was no significant difference in the effect of tympanic membrane perforation in different parts of tympanic membrane perforation. Conclusion tympanic membrane perforation is frequency dependent on the loss caused by tympanic membrane vibration, and the lower the frequency is, the more serious the loss is. There was no significant difference in the effect of tympanic membrane perforation on its sound transmission function.
【作者单位】: 东南大学医学院附属江阴医院耳鼻咽喉科;南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科;南京大学声学研究所;
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