发布时间:2018-01-20 07:10
本文关键词: 亚砷酸钠 一般毒性 砷含量 出处:《毒理学杂志》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:目的动态观察低剂量砷染毒小鼠后其一般情况的变化。方法 96只健康雄性KM小鼠随机分组,设0、50、500和5 000μg/L 4个染毒组,再将每个剂量组分4、6和8周3个染毒时间点,经饮水染毒,测定饮水量、饲料消耗量及主要的脏器系数,用原子荧光吸收光谱法测血、肝和肾的总砷含量。结果体重在低和中剂量染毒4周明显增高,高剂量组8周则显著降低。肝脏和肾脏系数均是随染毒时间和染毒剂量的增加出现先增高后降低的现象。脾脏和心脏系数均随染毒时间和染毒剂量的增加而增加(P0.05),肺脏系数在中剂量有明显增高(P0.05)。血砷、肝砷、肾砷含量随着染毒时间和染毒剂量的增加而逐渐增高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论短时间低剂量砷可以诱导小鼠代偿性反应,随着染毒时间和剂量的增加,主要脏器出现损伤。
[Abstract]:Objective to observe the changes of general situation of mice exposed to low dose arsenic. Methods 96 healthy male km mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: 0 50 渭 g / L and 5 000 渭 g / L. Then 3 time points of each dose component were given at 6 and 8 weeks. Drinking water quantity, feed consumption and main organ coefficient were measured. The blood was measured by atomic fluorescence absorption spectrometry (AFS). The contents of total arsenic in liver and kidney. Results the body weight was significantly increased at the low and middle dose for 4 weeks. The liver and kidney coefficients increased first and then decreased with the increase of exposure time and dose, and the coefficients of spleen and heart increased with the increase of exposure time and dose. (. P0.05). The lung coefficient was significantly increased in middle dose (P 0.05). The contents of arsenic in blood, liver and kidney gradually increased with the increase of exposure time and dose. Conclusion Low-dose arsenic can induce compensatory response in mice for a short time. With the increase of exposure time and dose, the main organs are damaged.
【作者单位】: 赣南医学院预防医学系;山西医科大学卫生毒理学教研室;
【基金】:江西省自然科学基金(20132BAB205071,20114BAB205041,2014BAB215013) 江西省教育厅科学技术研究(GJJ13689,GJJ14699) 江西省卫生厅科技计划(20113133)
【正文快照】: 砷是自然界中广泛存在的一种类金属元素,可通过饮水、燃煤、农药及药品或饲料添加剂等多种途径进入人类的生活环境中。长期高浓度接触砷可以引起慢性砷中毒,以往的研究多集中于研究高浓度砷对机体的影响,但是越来越来的研究发现,低浓度砷长时间接触对机体造成一定的影响,低中,