pharmacy 在 中药学 分类中 的翻译结果
在分类学科中查询 所有学科 中药学 药学 医学教育与医学边缘学科 有机化工 工业经济 医药卫生方针政策与法律法规研究 贸易经济 无机化工 图书情报与数字图书馆 历史查询
Sixty Years of Studies on History of Chinese Pharmacy
In recent years nanotechnology obtained the application in the pharmacy domain.
Bentonite and Its Application in Pharmacy
Application of evidence-based pharmacy in evaluation of safety and efficiency of Chinese materia medica
Studies on the Pharmacy of JK Soft-Capsule
The basic prescription and preparation technology was initially defined by the study about formulation screening and technology optimizing , based on the pharmacy rule as indicator.
It includes physical, chemical and pharmacy methods.
55||Influence on the Content of Serum Zn,Cu of Experimental Mice with Yin Deficiency Model by Tongmai Jiangzhi Chinese Pharmacy
Developments in Pharmacy of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Retrospect
Study on the Pharmacy of Wentong Ointment
Study on the Human Ovarian Cell Line SKOV-3 Inhibited Proliferation and Induced Apoptosis by the Pharmacy Serums of Fuzhengxiaoliu Granules
Results: MTT tests showed ,with 15% pharmacy serums, the rate of inhibition in CM got to 41% after 72h, in DDP 50% after 48h,and in CM+DDP 50% after 24h.
结果:MTT tests显示了本方的量效关系和时效关系,在15%浓度的药物血清作用下,CM组在72h后,其抑制率可达41%; DDP组在48h后可达半数抑制率,而CM+DDP组在24h后即可达半数抑制;
The four Danish hospitals differed in degree of specialization, presence of a clinical microbiological department or a hospital pharmacy.
quantum dots in information technology, refractory particles for advanced ceramics, highly active substances in pharmacy, catalysts and micro- and mesoporous adsorbents to name only a few applications.
Use of pharmacy refill data as a measure of antiretroviral adherence
Pharmacy refill adherence has become an increasingly important measure of adherence to antiretroviral medications.
Over the past year, there have been several published developments in the use of pharmacy refill data to measure adherence.
The usage of the clamshells (Concha meretricis, Concha cyclinae, Concha anodonte), Concha ostreae, Concha margaritifera Usta, Concha cypraeae Violacea,, Concha cypraeae Alba is different. It is hard to identify them when they are held instock in pharmacy in powder form since they resemble each other in shape and colour. Through the study of seven medicines and the shells of seventeen original animals it was found that amongst their powder there exist the lustre and fluorescence resembling each other originally...
The usage of the clamshells (Concha meretricis, Concha cyclinae, Concha anodonte), Concha ostreae, Concha margaritifera Usta, Concha cypraeae Violacea,, Concha cypraeae Alba is different. It is hard to identify them when they are held instock in pharmacy in powder form since they resemble each other in shape and colour. Through the study of seven medicines and the shells of seventeen original animals it was found that amongst their powder there exist the lustre and fluorescence resembling each other originally witla the exception of the characteristics occasionally occurred in their shapes and with the existance of tiny tissue slices. Their tisssue structure is different, for example, Concha meretricis has crossed lamellar structure; Concha ostreae has crossed-lamellar streaks which are comparatively coarse; Concha haliotidis has nacreous structure and fine and smooth lamellar streaks; Concha ostreae has parallel lamellar structure; Concha margaritifera Usta has nacreous structure and visible square round shaped tissue; Concha cypraeae has crossed-lamellar streaks which are fine and smooth.Under the observation of dissecting microscope the microstructure of the powder appears in the form of dispersed particles with neutral pH. When the powder is put in water it sinks slowly with many floats. But after calcining process it turns sticky with its microstructure taking the shape of coral or reef and with alkaline pH. When it is put into water it sinks rapidly with few floats. Concha haliotidis displays light green fluorescence by adding saturated solution of zinc acetate alcchol to it.An index table is made from the above-mentioned results
Four ginsenosides (Ginsenoside-Lb2, -Lc1, -Lc2 and-Ld) were isolated from the home-made ginseng leaves, Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer (Araliaceae) by silica gel column chromatography and centrifugal thin layer chromatography.Each saponin was identified with physiochemical procedures such as IR, 'H-NMR, MS, melting point, acid hydrolysis, acetylation etc. And then check-up identification was made after isolation between these saponins and authenic ginsenoside samples (supported by Dr S Shibata, Meiji College of Pharmacy,...
Four ginsenosides (Ginsenoside-Lb2, -Lc1, -Lc2 and-Ld) were isolated from the home-made ginseng leaves, Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer (Araliaceae) by silica gel column chromatography and centrifugal thin layer chromatography.Each saponin was identified with physiochemical procedures such as IR, 'H-NMR, MS, melting point, acid hydrolysis, acetylation etc. And then check-up identification was made after isolation between these saponins and authenic ginsenoside samples (supported by Dr S Shibata, Meiji College of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan) with IR, silica gel thin layer chromatography, mixed melting point etc.It was proved that ginsenoside-Lb2, -Lc1, -Lc2 and -Ld were identical with ginsenoside-Rb2, -Rc, -20-gluco-Rf and Rd respectively.It should be noted that ginsenoside 20 -gluco-Rf was isolated from ginseng leaves for the first time.
Besides Han nationality, there are 55 national minorites in china and there are 24 among them in Yun-an. All of them have native medicine and pharmacy of themselves. A great attention has been paid to development of them. Some new drngs have been found out from Ethnodrug, such as Bergenin from Aidicha (Ardisia japonica 6 Thunb.Bl.), Fibraureti-ne from Huangteng(Fibraurea tinctoria Lo- ur,), Hypocrellin.A from Zhuhongjiun (Hy-pccrella bambusae(B. et Br) Sau.), Qing Yangcengenin(C_(28) H_(36) O_8)from Qing...
Besides Han nationality, there are 55 national minorites in china and there are 24 among them in Yun-an. All of them have native medicine and pharmacy of themselves. A great attention has been paid to development of them. Some new drngs have been found out from Ethnodrug, such as Bergenin from Aidicha (Ardisia japonica 6 Thunb.Bl.), Fibraureti-ne from Huangteng(Fibraurea tinctoria Lo- ur,), Hypocrellin.A from Zhuhongjiun (Hy-pccrella bambusae(B. et Br) Sau.), Qing Yangcengenin(C_(28) H_(36) O_8)from Qing Yan-gcen (Cynanchum otop hyllum Schneid), Helicid from Muza(Helicia erratica Hook), Swertiamarin from Xiaoerfutongcao(Swertia patens Burk), Cepharanthine from Dibu-rong(Stephania delavayi Diels). Therefore, it is a very important way to look for new drugs from Ethnodrug.
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